Z-wave devices spontaneously leaving the network

A couple of times it has happened for me that a device that was paired for a long time suddenly leaves the network. I then have to manually factory reset it (since I can’t access it in Homey interface to exclude it) and include it again.

Any idea why this happens, and what we can do to prevent it?

In both cases it was a Shelly Wave relay, and it happened in the same day where I included a few other router devices to the network (not sure if this is relevant).

You can ask Athom: https://support.homey.app/hc/en-us/articles/360015784034-Submitting-a-support-request (if only to let them know that this happens, since they often seem to not be aware of issues).

Perhaps they have a solution.

I have already replied several times in your topics and have noticed the problems you have with your Z-Wave devices.
You often describe problems with the Shelly Z-Wave devices. Even if I assume that it’s not a specific Shelly problem in principle, you should still check which firmware is installed on your Shelly devices and whether it’s the latest version. If not, updating the firmware could possibly solve the problems.

If the firmware is up to date, or an update doesn’t solve the problem, you should definitely contact Athom support, as @robertklep has already suggested.


“Suddenly”, “without a reason”, “without any changes” is of course difficult to track, even for the support team.
A new firmware version v12.1.0 was released on 30.09.24. Even if, according to the changelog, no changes were made to the Z-Wave integration in this version, a firmware update is always a potential reason for problems afterwards.

My Zwave situation at home actually improved a lot based on all that I’ve learned from you and other forum members. Re-including most devices as non-secure, removing unknown nodes, and waiting a day until it “settles”, all of this helped. But this problem of devices dropping when adding new ones still happens from time to time. I might ask Athom support directly if they have a clue why this is happening.