Why is Homey Forum so hostile?

My experience is that most people are very helpful on this forum.

But I think it would be beter if there was a separate section for each individual app. Then question would be separated in thread’s.
Now a thread for an app gets really, really long and makes it hard to find the answer for a specific question. Probably resulting in questions asked multiple times.

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9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Homey Community Structure (Categories/Topic’s)

“To discuss with fellow community members”. It doesn’t say that anything will be done with the ideas, or that it’s the official way of asking Athom for support.

The Welcome thread states that:

In any case, it’s confusing.

Have you read the linked announcement?

I didn’t write this sentence, but “Support” and “Issue” certainly don’t mean “Suggestions” and “Ideas”.

Nevertheless, I agree that some things are confusing and many things can be improved. Every user is welcome to make suggestions.
However, I would like to point out that the forum is based on Discours and that the moderators are not administrators, which means that we can’t make any major changes.

Fair enough, I guess we won’t have to tell new users anymore that their suggestions and ideas most likely go unanswered if they require support from Athom to be implemented :man_shrugging:t3:

This is what I asked in the Ten years of Homey - AMA topic and on Slack btw…

Sadly no answer received…

They Don’t Read The Forum! :joy:


As the Topic Starter already thanked after ~ Why is Homey Forum so hostile? - #3 by Sharkys and I think it is the most complete answer I marked it as solution / Topic Question Solved.

Also split a part of the other discussion to here: Homey Community Structure (Categories/Topic's)