Where is the menu to see all Batteries levels?


In the FAQ, I see that the level of all batteries can be displayed at once, if one goes into the Energy Tab: https://support.homey.app/hc/en-us/articles/360010282619-Monitoring-your-batteries-in-Homey-Energy

To access the overview of all batteries in your devices, open the Energy tab in the main menu → tap on the small battery icon in the upper right corner.

Unfortunately, I don’t see any battery icon upper right in the Energy Tab…

What am I miss here ? I am using the App with Homey Pro (Early 2023) 11.0.0

It’s in “More > Batteries”

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Thx !!!

Does it mean that the FAQ are not always up-to-date ?
Any idea what is the best way to contribute in updating these ?

I guess not :smiley:

There’s a link below each article that you can use to contact Athom support:


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I did click on “NO” already :slight_smile:

“Submit a Request” is more to get “support” than reporting a “deprecated FAQ”…
I mean, they don’t have an adequate topic (My Account, My Subscription, My Homey, My Orders).
Obviously I can create a ticket related to “Energy”

Especially has they then suggest me to read the FAQ :slight_smile:

But ok, I will try to create a ticket :slight_smile:

It’s really not the topic of this thread, but I guess Homey would benefit of an option to report “deprecated FAQ”