Same here! Very annoying. Makes the Tado app unusable
Today, no internet and the Tado app crashes:
> 2018-12-15 04:29:34 De app tado° is gecrasht. De ontwikkelaar is op de hoogte gesteld. van Apps
> 2018-12-15 04:29:34 Van/uit: Apps, bericht: De app tado° is gecrasht. De ontwikkelaar is op de hoogte gesteld.
> 2018-12-15 04:24:37 Internet online
> 2018-12-15 04:24:08 Internet offline
> 2018-12-15 04:21:38 Too many cpuwarns received Usage: 182%
> 2018-12-15 04:21:31 De app tado° is gecrasht. De ontwikkelaar is op de hoogte gesteld. van Apps
> 2018-12-15 04:21:29 Van/uit: Apps, bericht: De app tado° is gecrasht. De ontwikkelaar is op de hoogte gesteld.
> 2018-12-15 04:19:05 Internet online
> 2018-12-15 04:18:36 Internet offline
> 2018-12-15 04:13:38 Too many cpuwarns received Usage: 114%
> 2018-12-15 04:13:34 Internet online
> 2018-12-15 04:13:20 De app tado° is gecrasht. De ontwikkelaar is op de hoogte gesteld. van Apps
> 2018-12-15 04:13:18 Van/uit: Apps, bericht: De app tado° is gecrasht. De ontwikkelaar is op de hoogte gesteld.
> 2018-12-15 04:13:07 Internet offline
> 2018-12-15 04:05:36 Too many cpuwarns received Usage: 89%
> 2018-12-15 04:05:30 Internet online
> 2018-12-15 04:05:08 De app tado° is gecrasht. De ontwikkelaar is op de hoogte gesteld. van Apps
> 2018-12-15 04:05:08 Van/uit: Apps, bericht: De app tado° is gecrasht. De ontwikkelaar is op de hoogte gesteld.
> 2018-12-15 04:05:02 Internet offline
3.0.0 is in the Alpha channel… No issues so far.
Does the 3.0.0 app also work with the 2.0 devices?
How do you get an alpha version?
Ask @Bram to add you to the alpha program or install by CLI.
Thanks Mustang. I’ve sent @Bram a message.
Sadly I can’t say the same. Installed the 3.0.0 alpha yesterday but tado app was crashed this morning.
I have let Emile know.
Here it crashes immidiately, installed trough cli.
It crash the second it loads, also after reboot of homey.
On homey 2.0 rc3 app version 3.0
If you run it through the CLI instead of install it I think you might see more diagnostic information in the CLI window. Maybe that will help work out what’s failing?
It gives a “invalid client id” error, It is in alpha so not ready for release.
That’s the same problem I had 6 months ago. That was supposed to have been fixed in 3.0.0
I will try again myself when I get home and report back to Emile.
Thanks for trying it.
How is it going with the latest tado app-Version and homey 2.0 -rc9?
Here no problems anymore!
So far so good…
I get an error sending value (422 Unprocessable Entity) on Tado Smart AC.
Anyone got this or is that just me?
Thx @kooskortekaas
The only issue I have is with the hot water. The max temperature that can be set is 35. That also means it ignores any temperature above that if it is set by the official tado app. For now I have removed that device from homey.
Reliability of the rest has been good and the presence detection is triggering flows, etc.
Much better than the Homey presence detection.
I wonder if there is any chance of getting the tado app back for Homey 1.x.x?
I don’t want to upgrade to Homey 2.x.x until I can edit flows on the desktop and that is not likely to happen
Maybe an app area with legacy apps? Like the tado 2.0.0 app. I keep dreaming…