Trigger "Every xxx Minutes" does not work with variables (in HP2023 <= FW 10.0.9)

The condition " When… Every 10 Minutes " works perfectly. :+1:
When I tried to us a numeric variable (value = 10)
" When… Every #Zirkulation Rhythmus min Minutes "
the flow does not start every 10 Minutes. :saluting_face:

I do not understand why. In case it is not foreseen to use a variable here, it just should be imposslible to create such a card. :rage:

I am thankful for any help or work around. :pray: :people_hugging:

Maybe you can give a little bit more info that you have tested?
[Tip] Problems with Homey?

Maybe also share the flow?

Tested it and it does work for me:

Working for me on Homey Pro (Early 2016) with FW 10.0.2-rc.1 from the Web interface

Edit: Looks like it is broken in Homey Pro (Early 2023), at least not working in Firmware v10.0.9-rc.1.

Thank you Dijker,
My model is Homey (Early 2023), Ver 10.0.8
I do not think that the type of switch is of interest. What else do you need?
I tried your example. It works with fix seconds, but not using a variable.
And here is my Flow:

Many Thanks Dirk

I made a workaround until it works again wit HP-2023.

I make the program run every “divider” of #ZirkulationsRythmusMin, here 5 minutes, and then just do anything when necessary.
The big difference is that it will not run on multiples of #ZirkulationsRhythmusMin. ie. 00:00; 00:15; 00:30;00:45, but starts at the next “divider” e.g. 00:05 after saving or activating the flow, and then every 15 minutes. That could be fixed. I have to try.
Then, if the variable of #ZirkulationsRhythmusMin is not a multiple of the base frequency, in this case, if it is 13, then the action will rund every 10 minutes. That is the responsibility of the user, i.e choose “every 1 minute” or take care to only use multiples of the base frequency or raise an error.


Still not working on HP2023 (both standard and advanced flows).

Athom support indicated it is by design and understand the frustration about this topic. The possibility to use this will be removed.