Timeout: Expected Response on Homey Bridge

Hi all,

Since a couple of months, I’m using multiple Homey (early 2023) bridges at multiple locations in the Netherlands (all family members). All locations have great fiber internet and Wifi and the Homey bridge is placed close to both the Wifi access point and the Zigbee products (mostly power sockets) (no walls, max 5 meters distance).

Since the beginning I get a lot of “Timeout: Expected Response” messages when switching on (for example) the power sockets. Both when using the Homey app, the Homey web app via my laptop but also when using Zigbee switches (which then should power on/off a Zigbee power socket by following a flow). But also, for example, when I program a flow “When Zigbee switch is pressed once, turn on power socket #1 and #2 > then (sometimes) only socket #2 turns on.

I cannot find any correlation. What I do find is that at all locations the same “timeout” is experienced a lot. This does not make the products (very) reliable.

What would be a next step to investigate (and tackle) all these timeout errors?

Thanks all!

Hmmm. that one doesn’t exist …

There is a Homey Bridge (Thant cost 69€), that operates with the Homey service (both Free and Premium)
and there is the Homey Pro (Early 2023) (that operates mostly Local and costs 399 € )

which one are you talking about?

(The Pro isn’t referred to as a bridge, “The all-new Homey Pro is the world’s most advanced smart home hub.” so pleas use Homey Pro (optional with the Early 20xx version specification ) or Homey Bridge)

I’m very sorry; I have multiple Homey Bridges (that cost 69€).

That probably rules out 90% of other non related issue’s .

See the other report’s / complaint’s on the community, pls use a (increasing) delay between alle actions: fe Turn-on Light 1 ; Turn-on Light 2 with a delay of 1 second.; Turn-on Light 3 with a delay of 2 second.;

Or use chaining in Advanced Flows => Turn-on Light 1 - Then => Turn-on Light 2 - Then => Turn-on Light 3 and you could Report on Error switching to a Timeline.

Thanks! Although I thought that Zigbee would not have this “delay” issues.
I’m going to test it with either delay or advanced flows

Sorry: I don’t understand this one…

The issue isn’t with Zigbee, it’s with Homey.