Testing Homey Bridge Beta

I have my Beta invite/code.

I have ordered a Homey Bridge.

I have setup the Homey App on iPad/iPhone.

I have a few questions.

  1. I have installed the Hue App, it has automatically connected to one of the two Hue Hubs. How do I get it to connect to the second Hue Hub?

  2. I need to rename and add some more rooms, how do I do this?

  3. Some of the rooms

Have the names but with a zones. In front of them.

Finally, is there a dedicated Beta forum for Bridge Beta issues?

Any ideas/thoughts much appreciated :slight_smile:


No there is no dedicated Homey Bridge community. I hope specific bridge questions will be tagged with the homey-bridge tag.

Edit the zone names fastest is from a computer with the https://my.homey.app
But in the app, devices on top select the zone selector and use the gear in the right top corner to edit zone names and move zones.

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  1. Hue hub‘s are not supported on homey or homey bridge, just on homey pro. In homey (bridge) you see just the bulbs and you can use them. Maybe later the hub‘s are also supported

Not correct. It is supported and the only way* as the Hue zigbee app isn’t available on the Homey Cloud.

This app requires the Philips Hue Bridge. It is possible to use more than one bridge.

But the number of devices in that configuration differs from the Homey Pro

** or pair the Hue lights as a basic Zigbee device.

Ahh ok, so i was wrong, sorry! How can i import my hue bridge to homey?

The Hue bridge self isn’t visible but the lights and plugs (sockets) can be paired using the Hue bridges.

I Don’t have a Hue bridge but for what I have read and expect that Hue supports multiple Bridges on one account.

In the Homey app open the devices aand press + or add my first device.

Select Hue or type Hue in the search bar if it is not visible.

Select light or plug:

Log in

Log in with your Hue account at the Philips Hue site

There it stops for me but with an Hue bridge in your account and the Hue lights or plugs connected to that hue bridge these should be visible in the Homey add Devices wizard.


Thanks, these steps i know, but it‘s not possible to import the bridge, just lights and plugs. I can‘t see the bridge. I still think you can‘t import the bridge, if you could, why are just 2 devices supported? If you could import the bridge, id should support the same deveices as in homey pro. Look at the ikea app, there are the same devices supportet in homey pro an homey bridge (beta).

which are handled by the Hue bridge. But those are the only two types of devices that are supported by the Hue app for Homey Cloud.

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The IKEA TrÄdfri app is the Athom app that uses the Zigbee directly from the Homey Bridge.
The IKEA TrĂ„dfri hub isn’t supported.
You can’t compare these two.

As said by @robertklep if you add the lights and plugs from the Hue bridge and power off the Hue bridge the Homey (cloud) can’t switch the devices anymore.

I will try that

I‘m very confused and don‘t understand why that some devices don‘t work if the hue bridge is in homey imported!?!? I might be to stupid :upside_down_face:

I have a switch (friends of hue) and would like to use it in homey, is that possible? With the hue bridge i can use it with no problems.

The way the Hue app is implemented by Athom means that it requires a lot of data to be transferred between Hue and Homey, especially for sensor devices. Athom decided that they don’t want to pay for that data transfer (because Homey is basically running on “their” network, as opposed to the situation with a Homey Pro where it runs on the user’s network) and therefore left out sensor support in the cloud part of the app.


Haven’t heard that direct from Athom but am pretty sure that is the reason as we have seen multiple reports about huge data usage from Hue bridge users with a Homey Pro.

Athom has an advantage if the user buys a Homey Bridge and has the choice front different brands of sensors. Probably that’s designed to communicate differently and is less data hungry.

Correct, it was also my assumption that this was the reason. Not sure why they haven’t rewritten the app yet to support (local) push, as the Hue bridge seems to support that nowadays (at least Home Assistant has supported local push for Hue since June this year).


Hang on 

. Backup the truck

If you use Homey Cloud / Bridge you don’t get access to the Hue Motion Sensors in the two hue hubs?

I use the Temp readings off them as they are the most reliable/battery efficient temp sensor device I have ever used.

I also use the motion sensors to trigger Air Wicks, not time sensitive so delays not an issue.

I have one hue hub for upstairs and one for downstairs.

They operate 99% of lights in the house automatically and are incredibly reliable.

I use an external hub to provide oversight of Hue and extra / more complex scenes.

If I transfer the motion sensors to direct Homey control I lose a very capable automated system.

Hopefully they will include motion sensors in the Hue connection, until then the Bridge will just be a test platform :frowning:

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Correct, the Hue app for Homey Cloud/Bridge only supports lights and sockets.

Local? Push, I guess that isn’t going to work with the cloud Homey. Could be an improvement for the Homey Pro users but not sure it will fix the issue to get everything to the cloud Homey’s.

Ok many thanks,

I can work around it if the Pro can access the Hue Motion Sensors through the hue hubs, was using the Bridge as a Homey test before plunging into a Homey Pro.

I bought a Homey Pro a couple of years ago, ran into hard stop when the device drivers for my central heating boiler had a bug in it and the developer was unreachable.

So I had control of a dozen Thermostats, 15 thermostatic valves but could not turn on the boiler :frowning:

So will be focused on the heating system first, the driver developer tells me it is now fixed, so will try again.

I can get my head back into Homey and if it works out get a Pro, then I can use full functionality.

It depends on how the push mechanism works. If it’s similar to webhooks, it may also work remotely.

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I have just received the Bridge - and it is now online.

So trying to connect the two Hue Hubs.

I am starting with no hue hubs installed.

Selected Hue App to install

It asks me to authenticate to Hue in the cloud.

Then retrieves all the Light Bulbs in the Hue Hub that is assigned in the Hue Cloud Login - Only One Hue Hub can be registered at any time.

I select all the bulbs I want Homey to see and Homey imports them.

How do I import the other Hue Hub running in my house?

Selecting Add Device takes you through connecting to the single hub exposed in the Hue Cloud account.

Is there another Hue App to be installed to gain access to the Upstairs Hue Hub.

Currently Homey can only see the Downstairs Hub/lights.

Any insight much appreciated.

I’m not familiar with using two Hue hubs, but as I understand it from your post you can only assign one Hue Hub to your Hue Cloud Login, am I right?