Tado X - How to steer them

I bought some new tado-x heating thermostats and connected them to the Homey via matter. That works so far. But I can only control these thermostats via flows to a very limited extent. I can set the temperature directly. I can set the mode to “heat” or “off”. But unfortunately that’s all I can do. As soon as I set a temperature, the automatic schedule is deactivated in tado and I haven’t yet found a way to reactivate it, because I can only access the individual thermostats but not the rooms.
Has anyone installed tado x valves and integrated them properly into Flows? I want to use tado’s schedule and deactivate/activate the valves using homey’s geofencing because I don’t want to spend money for tado’s geofencing. And I want to deactivate/activate the valves if a window gets opened using my window sensors.

Homey’s thermostat implementation for Matter supports the following operations: getting the current temperature, getting/setting the target temperature, and getting/setting the thermostat mode (‘heat’, ‘cool’, ‘auto’ only).

Anything else is not supported (even though Homey is said to support Matter 1.2, which supports schedules).

So the alternative would be to not use Matter and use the “official” app.

Sounds like another device that Homey “supports”, but the support in fact is inadequate. To be on the safe side, I would always suggest to check the app before you buy a device as the app shows what cards are supported by each app.

But what you can do now is to go to the app page and send a suggestion to the app maker.

There is no “Matter” app, it’s part of Homey itself.

Thanks, Robert. Actually this is the app I’m using. Now I’m a bit puzzled

If you paired your device with Homey over Matter, the app isn’t used. So you may need to start over: remove the device from Homey, then pair it using the app.

Currently, Tado X devices are not supported by Tado’s API. As a result, the only way to connect them to Homey is via Matter. However, this route does not allow access to Tado-specific features.

We are actively collaborating with Tado to enable Tado X support through their API. Homey will be one of the launch partners once this integration is live, though the timeline for release is still to be determined.

But @Martin_Verbeek has them working in Homey already, @Doekse.
What’s the difference then? I suppose the Tado bridge?

I have connected them via the app and then connected to Apple Home and Homey. In Homey the valves are listed as devices of the tado app.

Incan set the temeraturen and turn them off. But I donˋt have access to the rooms and room-modes of tado. The modes of the valves are not fully supported. Heating/on/off works, but no chance to e.g. turn the automatic mode on, once the windows got closed.

But reading Henkˋs post, there seemsnto be a chance that this will work in future. Would be great, because the tado valves are phantastic compared to eurotronic and shelly.

Perhaps give this app a try, @RainerMZ:

I did…but it does not find any tado devices

Did you install the testversion that I linked to above?

TadoZones app, like V3, uses cloud for X as well.

So i am about to return a big pack of Tado devices (a bridge, 7 valves, 4 Thermostats) because the homey tado app is just basic functionality. I also did not manage to integrate them properly via tadozones. I was not able to connect them. It always gabe me a 403 error. Maybe i did something wrong, but it is for sure complicated. Maybe i am going to order them again once there is a stable connecitvity to homey given.

Maybe I oversee something but the Tado x devices are listed as supported in the Tado app?

I installed this app. But the only device I can create via this app is „Tado Home“, which does not really provide interesting features.

Via the „Tado Zones“ app I can either create any devices, no valves, no rooms nothing.

The only place where I see my valves is the official Homey tado app. Here I have to „then“-actions:

  1. set temperatur => works fine
  2. set mode
    There are 4 modes:
  • automatic (does not work)
  • heat (works)
  • cool (does not work)
  • Off (works)

Please guys, Martin, the dev of tadoZones has only just started with support for tado X, and is looking for testers as well.
Let’s build it together, instead of pointing fingers :wink::kissing_closed_eyes:

Please keep in mind it’s a community app, created and maintained by one person in the spare hours…

It was not my intention to do fingerpointing. I‘m very grateful that people spend time to develop these apps. I just wanted to summarize a status.

Something else must be wrong. Can you do an add for thermostat/valve and PM me the log (goto the app configuration settings and copy the log

just to be sure, these devices have been configured in normal Tado (not homey) as well?

I figured it out with the help of Martin. There was a little mistake when adding a second home and therefore tadozones did not work properly. Now everything works like i used to! Nothing will be returned :smiley: Tadozones is a great app, the official Tado app does not work for me either…