Tado X - How to steer them

Awesome. Great job, guys!

Stupid question:
If tado-zones works……do I still need the official homey-tado app? Does it provide any additional value or can I delete it?

For me it does not, but i did not delete it. I still want to see if future updates may show new and helpful features. For now it just takes up place :smiley:

Thanks. Please apologize my questions, but where would you recommend to define heating plans? In the past I used homey heatingplanner. Would it make sense to use the tado-app (iOS-App of tado, not the tado app in homey) in combination with tado-zones to schedule the valves or is there a better way, I havenˋt seen, yet?

I personally use the original tado app because it is easy and i had to use the tado app to import the devices to homey. But you could also define the plans with flows out of homey and set the temperature for specific days and time periods.