Specific ZigBee devices don't work after a power loss, now what?

So I needed to power of a group. I moved also Homey a few meters from its original location. Then I reconnected again. Homey is up. Everything works, except for Zigbee. Hue without the bridge, Lidl (Silvercrest Motion and Plugs) are not working. Strongly enough two of the 3 Hue plugs were on (!).

I restarted the apps related to those items. I tried to re-add them: error ‘device isn’t reacting’ (or something). Other sensor do have a report time within minutes through Zigbee.

I get a lot of:
Network request failed
Time out 30000
Timeout 60000 (Interviewing a Zigbee device)

What is going on? It’s been 2-3 hours after the reboot. Everything should work again, right?

Start Homey in recovery.
Choose “full software download” (nothing gets deleted, but have a backup available)
This fixed these kind of issues you describe for several users.

Does that also work when I make a back-up right now? I forgot to renew my subscription. I did just now, but older backups are gone. So I can only back-up these faulty situation…

No, I don’t think a backup saves a faulty zigbee state as far as I know. But, it does save all your data you’ve entered, so I recommend making a backup anyways.
I did not yet read responses of ‘full software download’ procedure messed up things.