Smpl mini display: battery powered e-ink display made for Homey

:sunny: SUMMER SALE IS LIVE :sunny:

:exclamation: 21% OFF! NOW €99 :white_check_mark:

We just launched a SUMMER SALE to celebrate that the new Homey Pro 2023 is available in retail next week on 31st July and is now also fully compatible with the smpl mini display :black_heart::white_heart::heart:


Is there a possibility to buy with an invoice for EU company or still not?

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Let’s figure it out. Please send me an email to :+1:t2:

I’m assuming there is no availability in the US.

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Hi Christoper. Unfortunately not. Currently only EU+Norway and UK.

is there a way to display open windows collectively? (contact sensor on/off)
individual devices work, I would like a display that e.g. shows if 3 windows are open, similar to apple home. Maybe with variables?

Thanks in Advance.

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You can create a group (via Group-App) or use a HomeyScript and write the state (or number, …) to a variable.
Here is my script checking lights on and open windows, using 3 variables (counter…)
Devices in red are excluded

Regards Thilo

//CONFIG. Wenn nicht benötigt -> = '';
//Alle geräte
const devices = await Homey.devices.getDevices();
let response = {
  counter: 0,
  windows: [],
  lights : []
//Durch alle Geräte iterieren
for (const device of Object.values(devices)) {

//Wenn Gerät unerreichbar, dann überspringen ( Devices ignorieren:) 
  if (!device.capabilitiesObj || === '7d5d2c28-4c3c-4847-9119-1891fefff8f0' || ==='fb63397d-c250-4f53-8bb0-eb29b4b5b762' || ==='7f683dab-a355-4e8e-ad65-bb5cbde0cd19' || ==='42c25bf5-6de7-4846-a51c-dfd8d76ed905' || ==='8b723752-036f-40de-895e-e2c4319054c3' || ==='6c801adb-4db3-4e3f-b5f4-f075febc15e9' || ==='614f9768-285a-40c1-8395-b3d48a55b8bf'|| ==='739ebc06-f005-4fd3-9bf4-10fb47567d0a' || ==='f551a283-b6f4-48d4-83f8-fc8cddfb5e37' || ==='314a07b4-e7e5-4f19-bb23-8b8502e6f3fe'|| ==='381e753e-702f-41b4-88c9-c7e6ebe59427') continue;
//Check ob Lampe und An
  if ((device.class === 'light' || device.virtualClass === 'light') && device.capabilitiesObj.onoff.value) {
  //Check ob Alarm-Kontakt und ausgelöst
  else if(device.class === 'sensor' && device.capabilitiesObj.alarm_contact &&
//Tests, auskommentieren bei Interesse

await WriteLogicVar('counterwl', response.counter);
await WriteLogicVar( 'counterwindows',;
await WriteLogicVar('counterlights', response.lights.length);
  //return response; //Alles
  //return response.counter; //Nur Counter
//return response.lights; //Nur Lichter
//return; //Nur Fenster
//return response.lights.concat(; //Lichter und Fenster
  return true;

async function WriteLogicVar(name,value){
  let Logic = await Homey.logic.getVariables();
  let idArr = Object.entries(Logic);
  let filtered = idArr.filter(([key,value]) =>;
  let [[,{id:varID}]] = filtered;
  var varArr = await Homey.logic.getVariable({id:varID});

  if (typeof(value) == varArr.type){
    await Homey.logic.updateVariable({id:varID,variable:{value:value}})
    console.log("Value has been updated")
    return true;
    console.log("New value has the wrong type! Expected type is '"+varArr.type+"', not '"+typeof(value)+"'. Value has NOT been updated!")
    return false;

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thank you very much, I’ll try that! :slight_smile:

Hello Nitramevo,

After a few month off use of two off these device, they work great. But I have two mutch info to display on it. Now I have made several screens and made a flow with a timer where I sellect a other screen.
I mentioned before it shoould be a great option when you can oush several sreens to a module, and that the module will place it in rolling page on the display.
I hope you can build this in to the module’s/displays software.
That you can select i wan’t to display a several screens as a rolling display


See one off my latest screen with Sessy and P1 info on the display in my office


Ich habe es über “” bestellt… 156 Franken direkt zu mir nach Hause.

If you could please keep the conversation in English as much as possible, then more people will be able to participate. If you would rather not or can’t communicate in English then please check out Non-English boards/categories:

Deutsch (German)


Got mine today, pleased with it so far.
Installing and syncing was without any problems on a HP2023.
Installed two different layouts that alternate every 5 minutes and created flows that stops updates at night and when everyone is away from home.

Pressing 3 times on the back button on the display reveals FW version 1.19.

Is there a list of firmware updates + changes so I know when to contact support for a FW upgrade? Is the upgrade done via USB hardwire or over the air?


Firmware release on this moment is 1.19
Update is done true USB (open the case)
Till now you must notice/ask/contact support for the update
Often mentionded here.


Thx for sharing your experience. Would you mind repeating it here: Inspiration for display layouts and sensor templates for the smpl mini display

I am involved in smpl: with regards to fw updates, we will inform about this in a newsletter to customers as well as here on the Community Forum.


Since installing the latest stable release, my smpl displays are very often showing the ‘!’ Mark on the display and not updating anymore. (Both of them). No other zwave or zigbee devices have any issues. Only rebooting homey will fix this. Any idea what can be the problem? Anybody else with this problem? Thanks for any advice/help!

It looks like that this is most of the time (always?) after ‘turning them off’ when not at home and that they are not working anymore when turning them ‘on’ after coming home.


There’s no change with smpl (no app update and firmware is fixed), so have you contacted Athom about it?

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I just ordered one, i am looking forward to it!


No, not yet. Just finding out what the trigger is. They are working fine when I keep them ‘on’. Tonight I will check again it turning them off will trigger the issue. It is since the latest stable update. Before it was working great. Thanks for your time and info :+1:

Hmm. Today without turning the smpl displays off, both of them are stopped working. (Showing an ‘!’ Mark). Interesting is that they are always not the same screen but they are showing a different screen. So I think that they are stopped working very close in time. :cry:. Hopefully that they can work great again in the future. I really like them :smiling_face::+1: (will submit an ticket to Athom tomorrow)

Try new batteries :wink: