Set incorrect time

I have the new Homey Pro. The Time on the devices is two hours past the local time, even if the time zone is correct.
How can set the time?

Change the location of your Homey to a random location, then back to the correct one.

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Thanks. But it didn’t work. It changed the time. But the new time is somehow more strange. Instead of 2 hours past local time it’s now 1:35 past local time.
Is there no sync with a time server?

What do date and dateHuman show on this page? Homey Developer Tools

It shows:
date : 2023-11-02T18:01:45.727Z
dateHuman : Thursday 2nd November 2023 19:01:45

The real time here is 20:36

I was under the impression the trick is to move it to a random location in another timezone, and move it back after a while.
Isn’t it necessary to use an other timezone?
Just wondering :wink:

How is your local network set up? Does your home router provide time services to the network? If so, and it’s possible to change that, try turning it off (if it’s on) or on (if it’s off). After changing, reboot Homey to have it pick up the new setting.

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Not sure, really, I never had the issue myself :man_shrugging:t3:

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Thanks! That worked for me.

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For me, unfortunately, it doesn’t work yet:
date = “2023-11-06T20:02:19.***Z”
dateHuman = “Monday 6th November 2023 21:02:19”
dateDst = false

My home modem (Zyxel-T54, Odido) has no problems regarding time and date, that data is retrieved online.
Yet that hour time difference causes some lights that should dim at 00:00 to do so as early as 23:00.

I have the Homey Pro 2023 with version 10.0.8. The location is designated with a mappointer on the map (no automatic location determination), I use the WebApp version 1.9.68 and the iPhone Homey app is version
In both the WebApp and iPhone app, the time zone is set to Europe/Amsterdam with the correct time: 21:02:19.
I already changed my location to London, Poland, Italy and back to the center of the Netherlands, but unfortunately the problem remains.

Does anyone have a suggestion what is causing the time difference?
Thanks in advance for a response!

I don’t see what the problem is, the dateHuman is the same as what you say the correct time is (don’t look at the date field, that always shows UTC).

Ow really? I got the impression that the two times had to be equal to each other.
And so the fact that it says “dateDst = false” doesn’t matter either?

The problem I experienced is that my lights were dimmed at 11pm yesterday instead of midnight.
Hopefully I will notice later that it has been fixed.
Thanks for your reply, @robertklep!

It does, Dst = Daylight Saving Time (in Dutch: zomertijd);
When it’s summertime, dateDst says ‘True’, and the dateHuman time for Amsterdam/Europe will be UTC time +2 hrs.
While the clock is back to ‘normal’ at the moment (wintertijd), the dateDst says ‘False’ and the dateHuman time for Amsterdam/Europe will be UTC time +1 hr.


Clear information, this immediately clarifies a lot for me.
Thanks for your reply @Peter_Kawa!

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I have tried all kind of time zones… it just doesn’t work. The basic time of my homey 2023 is not UTC…

Tried to use fake time zone (Indonesia) to fix the time error but that also does not work… resulting in faulty flows… how can I fix this???

What “doesn’t work”? When you made that screenshot, what was the actual UTC time?

The time difference between my local time CET and Homey is 7 hours. That is why I tried the +7hrs time zone to compensate, but even when that is visible in the app… it is not active in Homey.

This error really messes up my flows :frowning:

Pls answer Robert’s question, Dave, is Homey showing the right UTC time?
That’s the important part to start from:

Can you show us the UTC time, and tell us the local time? Like, the time on your watch?

Define “Homey”. You mean the UTC (date) time, or the CET (dateHuman) time?

From the screenshot I see you are still in Jakarta. So you have to switch it back to your own time zone.

The local time was 12:46, the date says 5:40 and the datehuman says 6:40 with my country code set back to NL.