Ring Security - Extend Heimdall with Ring Security products


First of all, thanks a lot for the smart app you made. After is connect the Ring Alarm sensors my Ring alarm say the sensors are offline. Is it not possible to use the Ring Alarm app and the Homey connection at the same time?

What is you advise?

That is expected behaviour, a Z-Wave device such as the Ring Sensors can only be tied to one controller. By pairing your sensors with Homey you have removed them from your Ring Alarm.

You can fix this by paring them again with your Ring Alarm system (and thus removing them from Homey)

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Hi Danee,

I got another Ring sensor.
Itā€™s a Smoke/CO Listener.
But I couldnā€™t attach it to Homey in an ā€œunrecognizedā€ way to get the IDā€™s. Is there a way to achieve this?

Can you tell me if I can activate the ā€œUse Proximity Detectionā€ option, or if I should definitely avoid activating it to avoid problems, as described in previous posts?

Hi @Carlos_Kronemberger,

I missed your message, the app doesnā€™t support smoke detectors, thatā€™s why it shows as unrecognized. Writing a driver without the actaul drive is a though job and since Iā€™m as a hobby itā€™s to expensive for me to buy all devices Ring offers.

@dudu_95 the advice to not use proximity detection is there for a reason, many have reported problems with this enabled.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Z-Wave device can only be tied to one controller

Contact sensors V2.

I push the buttons on my sensor when asked and it lights up green on the sensor but this Ring app never progresses passed step one.

Any suggestions?

The app will only progress to the next step when the app is informed by Homey a signal was received and processed. Please check the Z-Wave log on the developers pages (https://tools.developer.homey.app/tools/zwave)

I recently got a batch of V2 motion sensors that I want to use for well motion detection and in the future possibility as alarm.

While setting the first one up I noticed the inclusion instructions are incorrect, they actually seem to be the instructions for the first version of the sensor. Same goes for the settings they donā€™t, at all match up to the zwave params for the second gen motion sensor. Most of them arenā€™t even bound to a zwave param.

@DaneedeKruyff I created a PR that fixes both issues on github. Please have a look at the PR and if possible merge it :slight_smile:

Hello !

Im interesting by Homey Pro and Ring system.

But before to buy, i want to know if it is possible to add only the RING KEYPAD to Homey Pro, and use door sensor which are not RING (fibaro or aqara).

I didnt find this information on the forum.

Many thanks !

Yes you can. I have Fibaro & Aeotec sensors. They communicate with Homey and the Heimdall App. The Ring keypad (v1) communicates also with Homey and the Ring Security app. This is the power of Homey; you can integrate the functionality of different brands.

If you want to know if your sensors will work, find the app here Apps for Homey Pro and see if the specific device is in the list of supported devices.

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Search for Ring keypad and Heimdall in this comunity.
It integrates well.

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Hi and thank you for coding the Keypad2. I donā€™t actually use it with Heimdall as I developed my own complex alarm system flows before I realised that Heimdall existed (!). However, having the Ring Keypad2 as my keypad is a godsend. A couple of questions for you though which I think would both apply to Heimdall and standalone usage.

  1. I canā€™t seem to reset the Tamper Alarm which triggered over two months ago and still shows as ā€œtamperā€. Is there a raw paramter I can use to reset it?

  2. Every now again the keypad loses contact with the Homey (red warning) and so the input is just noā€™t recognised. However, it seems to happen mostly when my intruder alarm is going off (and thus when I need most to silence it). Any idea why? My intruder alarm is effectively my entire SONOS system and the Homey Pro 2019 and an AOTEC siren 6 and all my lights. ie an intruder alert doesnā€™t actually interface with the Keypad2 at all until the user tries to turn it off. Can the Z-wave signal be affected by noise or lights or is the Homey Pro just being overloaded with instructions that it canā€™t register with the Keypad2. In which case, are there any paramters (such as check in times etc.) that I can change to eradicate this problem. The Keypad2 has a permanenet power connection so Iā€™m not too worried about battery drain.

The Tamper Alarm is triggered by removing the charging cable. To disable the alarm, connect the charging cable. If you donā€™t plan to keep the Keypad always on mains power, make sure do set the Use tamper alarm setting to No before removing the cable again.
The Keypad losing connection to Homey can be related to your intruder alarm going of when at that time a lot of Z-wave traffic is created, I see no relation to Sonos and your lights (Unless theyā€™re Z-Wave lights)

Thanks, but the cable has been reconnected for two months and nothing has reset. I have also tried disconnecting and reconnecting but with no luck.

The lights are all z-wave controlled so Iā€™m guessing system overload is the issue. Iā€™m not too familiar with z-wave protocols, but is there anything I can do to give the keypad ā€œpriorityā€?

The Tamper Alarm is set when power is remove and unset when power is applied again. Unsetting the Tamper Alarm will always happen when connecting power, setting the Tamper Alarm will only happen when power is removed AND the Use tamper alarm setting is enabled.
Could you please restart the app, apply/remove the power a couple of times (wait a little in-between actions) and send a Diagnostics Report from the app.

Unfortunately thereā€™s no option to give the keypad priority, if itā€™s an overload thereā€™s not much you can do, other than perhaps switch less lights.

Hello @DaneedeKruyff thanks for doing this app and supporting this awesome community!
Since the last update of your Ring Security App , done 2 days ago,i noticed that the Motion Sensors v2 ( Ring ) stop communicating with Homey Pro, not showing any status indicator. Is there anything I could do on my end to make it work?

Version 0.2.18

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I also have the same issue. I have tried restarting app, removing previous API authorisations on Rings website and have removed then reinstalled all of the motion sensors but still no response.
I can see the LED flashing on the sensor so I see it is registering motion.
When trying to change a setting in Homey, I am getting an error ā€œCould not get device by idā€.

Thanks for having a look for us @DaneedeKruyff .


Sorry for the delay, was away from home for a bit.

Hereā€™s the diagnostic log after restarting the app, connecting, then disconnecting severa times. The ā€œtamper alertā€ is selected in the settings.


Inteerstingly, the tamper alert that is there is the one from several months ago: it doesnā€™t seem to register more recent disconnections

Hi Gary,

Iā€™ve looked at you log and see nothing that hints connecting or disconnecting the power, which surprises me. What I do see, the app throws an error because Heimdall is not found, I canā€™t really relate that to the functioning of the Keypad but I also not expect an error thrown (although Iā€™ve never tested without Heimdall installed)
As you can see in the posts before yours thereā€™s currently a problem with the motion sensor which affect others to use their devices, Iā€™m gonna focus on fixing that before I will look into your issue further.