To activate my alarm I am looking for the option to do it with a keypad. There are several do-it-yourself options (integrating a ‘regular’ keypad with a fibaro binary sensor), but I came across the new Ring keypad with build in Z-Wave (https://shop.ring.com/products/alarm-keypad) for a very reasonable price!
Only thing stopping me from buying it is that it can’t be added to Homey yet. The Ring app (I have a Ring Pro doorbell) doesn’t support this device. Is there anyone who knows if this device is added somewhere in the near future?
If you can get it shipped to Holland I’m willing to chip in on donating one to @caseda or @TedTolboom for example. The current Ring app connects to the Ring API, this device would require someone with z-wave experience.
indeed - but he said he stopped using Ring. I contacted him to see whether the Ring Floodlight cam would be added on short term to the Ring app. I am currently using the Ring Pro, and would like to add the Floodlight cam to Homey. Unfortunately not…
That’s a good idea! The option came across since I am going to NY for a long weekend this coming weekend. A quick visit to the NL Ring website learns that the Ring Keypad (or complete alarm) is not yet sold in the NL. Buying it in the US, it will probably work on a US Z-Wave frequency (908.4; 908.42; 916 MHZ) which is not the same as in the EU / NL. I don’t know if this will work…
Maybe @TedTolboom or @Caseda can shed some light on this frequency matter?
For it to work with an EU Homey, the device will need to be equiped with an EU Z-wave chip. So far, I haven’t seen Ring delivering (or certifying) EU compatible Z-wave devices yet… So taking one along from the US doesn’t make sense…
Yeah, I remember the same, there was some discussion about shipping it to the US without the it being FCC approved so I have no idea if any were actually shipped there.
I can remember that I needed to add some US Id’s to the fibaro app long time ago.
But of course don’t know if that user still has an homey.
And US people can still import devices without fcc approval, if I’m correct, but it is at their own risk.
It was indeed the FCC causing trouble for an “official” US release.