Is there any interrest in connecting Ring Alarm to Homey

Hi all,

I am wondering if there’s any decent interest in connection the Ring Alarm system to Homey. At the moment I’m maintaining the Ring Doorbell and Camera app and the Ring Security app and I’ve gotten the occasional request if or when the Ring Alarm was also supported.

I have no Ring Alarm system and before diving into it I’d like to know if there’s interest and if people are willing to make a donation enabling me to buy the Ring Alarm system and devices so I can properly write support and maintain the system (Providing the devices are available in the Netherlands, Ring doesn’t sell all devices outside of the US, yet)

Anyway, this is just to see if there’s enough interrest for this, no promises at this time. Please leave your comments or questions.


Yes I am very interested in connecting sensors in both systems. And if possible also I am looking for an output when the alarm system is armed or disarmed to start flows.
Hope you find a solution
Regards Rein

I am also willing to make a donation if there are more interested people.