Is there any interrest in connecting Ring Alarm to Homey

Hi all,

I am wondering if there’s any decent interest in connection the Ring Alarm system to Homey. At the moment I’m maintaining the Ring Doorbell and Camera app and the Ring Security app and I’ve gotten the occasional request if or when the Ring Alarm was also supported.

I have no Ring Alarm system and before diving into it I’d like to know if there’s interest and if people are willing to make a donation enabling me to buy the Ring Alarm system and devices so I can properly write support and maintain the system (Providing the devices are available in the Netherlands, Ring doesn’t sell all devices outside of the US, yet)

Anyway, this is just to see if there’s enough interrest for this, no promises at this time. Please leave your comments or questions.


Yes I am very interested in connecting sensors in both systems. And if possible also I am looking for an output when the alarm system is armed or disarmed to start flows.
Hope you find a solution
Regards Rein

I am also willing to make a donation if there are more interested people.

Yes ver interested!

Yes! I’m very interested.

Thanks for the reactions. To be honest I expected more replies from people wanting to see this happen, but maybe not enough people saw this topic.

I will look into this, but can’t make a promise as to when. Right now some users are no longer receiving motion and ‘ding’ events from their doorbells and that’s something I want to fix first

Also, I would be needing specific devices to be able to support them so I’m kinda looking for some funding to buy the devices to support. That’s also the reason I had hoped for some more responses, but who knows who comes along and sees the topic :wink:

I would like to see this. I can monitor Ring sensors and Ring Alarm Arm modes through a combination of Alexa routines and Homey virtual switches/sockets. Homey still does not know if Ring is in an alarming state. I could use that feature. Thank you.

I’m not sure what’s possible to retrieve from the Ring alarm, I can tell you the Alarm Arm mode can already read and set from the current Ring Doorbell and Camera app.

My first aim would be to get the Contact Sensor and Motion Detector integrated into Homey so they can be used in flows. Next step would be integrating the Alarm System itself.


I’m also very interested in this. I just bought a Ring Alarm to replace my WoonVeilig alarm, as I tonight integrating the alarm into Homey was already possible.

I would also be interested. I was surprised to see Athom hadn’t included this in their official Ring app. Actions, like turning on lights, when alarm activates is an obvious integration.

Yes please. This is the #1 thing I would like to get integrated so I can use my Alarm status to create different scenes and flows in my home

Hi !

Im really interessed too by a total link beetween the entire ring system and Homey cause I dont understand how two major domotic espace system doesnt work together easily… that s confusing and disappointed me about the Homey pro app system …

Thanks !!!:+1:t3:

Well, your disappointment should be targeted at Ring. They’re the limiting factor here. Athom want’s to integrate everything from any manufacturer, Ring is the opposite, they want to keep everything in their own ecosystem.
That’s why it’s not so straightforward to integrate equipment from Ring into Homey, there’s no documentation nor help from Ring in this, hence this taking a lot of time and effort figuring out how to get things integrated. And let’s not forget the risk of receiving a cease and desist letter from Ring or their attorneys!

Hello, Thanks for the answer ! I understand the point and I think since Ring has been buy by Amazon, the thing doesn’t go much better. My remark go to Tuya system too, some day their api was open and other days it’s not… The day of a domotic world with a common protocol and full integration for every product isn’t for today…


I’m interested.
I would like to manage the door sensor with flow.

Wish I saw this earlier.

  • Yes, very interested in this, as I rely on Ring at a few sites as a means of cheap battery-and-mobile back up enabled alarm. Having the ability to read sensor status from Ring (similar to what the Alexa app does) would be very useful, as I can then maintain facility automation logic (lights etc) based on input from Ring sensors, without requiring a second set of sensors for the Homey.
  • And yes, I am aware that Homey/Heimdal can connect to ring sensors, but that necessitates unlinking said sensors from Ring. The only way for me to do this today is to set up Alexa as an in-between to read status from Ring, and then trigger scenes/flows in Homey based on that. This is messy and inefficient. I would much rather have an efficient way to read the state from the ring alarm and directly act on it in Homey.
  • I might actually have a spare Ring alarm base station with a couple a sensors to send you. But it will take a few weeks. These are EU devices. Because of course the silly Z-wave people had to establish different frequencies in the US and elsewhere…

I’ve released the first version which supports the Ring Alarm system. At this time it’s limited support and only the Ring Contact Sensor is made available in Homey.

Over time I will add other Ring Alarm component, at this time no ETA can be given.

Please see: Ring Doorbell and Camera support for Homey - #495 by DaneedeKruyff


Yes very interested also here.
I was looking for it for years, wasn’t any movement in the community.
Stumbled over this thread by accident, so I think it’s not visible enough, there’s noothing pointing to this in the ring security app pages.