Ring Doorbell and Camera support for Homey

My Ring cameras does not report motion since I upgraded to HP23.
Reinstalled latest release in app, reinstallesd all cameras an authantecated.
But no motion detection…

Did you check the FAQ?

This is a known problem due to a change Ring made in their API.

Did as it said in FAQ, and everything works!!


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Hi @DaneedeKruyff ,
I have been trying the get notifications from my doorbell v2 back online all weekend with no luck. I have followed the FAQ with all thinkable combinations. Different ring accounts, wait five minuted, wait over night, reinstalled ring app, and more. Nothings works. What am I doing wrong? Please advice.

Hi @Espen_H1,

Welcome to the the forum and thanks for using my app. The most important thing is to folow the exact steps, this is not something you can fix on your Homey by trying uninstalls, installs, removing devices, waiting etc.
It’s really something you need to fix in your Ring account in the official Ring app or on the Ring website, folowing the exact instructions setp by step in the exact order as described in the instructions.

@DaneedeKruyff , thanks for the quick response. Good to know Ring is the problem and not Homey. I have followed the FAQ and read the thread several times. Remove all authorized device clients, restarted app, repair, done. I have deleted one account with Ring that was not in use. Also cleaned up authorized devices on my wife’s account. I now have two accounts linked to Ring, and only two devices authorized, my wife and myself, iphone. Last night I removed all authorized devices from my account once again, also removed the Iphone. So nothing was authorized in my Ring account. Restarted the homey ring app, authorized again. Didn’t log into Ring with my phone and still, this morning, no motion notification. I have gone through everything in Ring. And I have a valid subscription. Can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. This can’t be that hard to do right?

And thanks for a great app. I have been using it with success until Ring messed it up.

Hi @DaneedeKruyff . Sorry to bother you. I’m still trying to get this to work. All troubleshooting has been aimed at the Ring account. I have reviewed all the settings. I have removed all shared accounts, deleted all authorized devices, changed passwords (just in case long and/or special characters is a problem). The last thing I tried was to delete the entire location and set up the doorbell from scratch. I also renamed the locations so they don’t contain Norwegian special characters. However, I did not delete the ring account due to the protection plan. When in comes to Homey, I have once again removed the device and reinstalled the app. Still don’t get notifications.

@Espen_Bruaroy Du har akkurat fått din enhet til å virke. Har du noen tips.


Sorry, it seems I missed your earlier reply. When everthing is setup fresh, please disable the Ring app on your homey and enable it again. Next, wait a few minutes and dance a little in front of your doorbell (ok, just walking will also work).
After that, please send me a Diagnostics Report from the app.

@DaneedeKruyff , Thanks :grinning:

I’ve just checked your log, the startup and initialisation of the API connection and device looks ok and shows no problems. But, I see no incoming message from the Ring API, so there’s noting for the app to respond on.

Could you please open the Doorbell in the Ring Mobile app and make sure all three switches are enabled, if they already are, please disable them 1 by 1 and after a sec or two enable the settings again.

@DaneedeKruyff . Thanks. Yes, they was enabled. Disabled one by one with five seconds appart. Enable again. Five seconds appart. Still nothing.

Hi @DaneedeKruyff, Homey users are not the only ones with Ring issues. Homekit, for example, experince the same. So I have given up. Linked Homey and Ring to IFTTT and that works.

Glad you’ve gotten it working through that route. Many are succesfull using the ring-client-api but unfortunately Ring doesn’t offer official third part support so when it’s not working and no errors appears finding a different path to get it workign is the only way.
Anyways, thank for reporting back!

Yes, I’ve read through many threads and my impression is that no one can say for sure what works and what doesn’t, regardless of which system you want to use it with. I’ve tried everything I can think of except deleting my entire Ring account. Can live with it going through IFTTT to register movements. A virtual motion detector fixes that. I haven’t removed the app because I believe everything else works as it should. Will test a bit with different Modes, which I saw you have arranged for. Thanks for taking the time have a look.

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You’re welecome and thanks for your donation, much appreciated!

I’ve started working on implementing intercom - for now, unlock action works… If I somehow manage to implement the ring trigger, I’ll try to push it to github :smiley:


Hi, I just recently installed a Homey Pro.
I have installed the Ring doorbell app and the connection to the doorbell is good. I can see photos via the Homey app and receive motion alerts, but I cannot see live video (with conversation). I can update the photo via the refresh icon. There is a video button at the bottom, but that does not work. Can you advise?
Ps: I tried to look for similar topics but I was not able to find it.

Homey does not support video and audio from a doorbell, you will have to use the official Ring smartphone app for that.

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you could create a trigger on motion detected to fetch the snapshot and push that to your phome or chromecast device for instance. will require multiple flows but can be done.

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