Question: monitoring real time absorption without p1 (Italy)

I live in Italy, and no P1 port available.
I’m in need of having a real time energy absorption report with instant notify (or alarm) as (very) often my wife plugs in Hoven+Dishwasher+other stuff and the electric meter switches off :smile:

I was going to buy a Shelly pro 3 em with clamps, but i need to work with more “variables” as the lines i need to monitor, apart from the “general” are 5 (Lights Day Zone + Lights Night Zone + Climate + Plugs Day Zone + Plugs Night zone + Plugs Kitchen).

Can Homey Energy work with 2 energy meter and have a calculation (sum) on the total absorption ?
If i don’t monitor a “full” line but i use energy plugs can i have a virtual device calculating the absorption of a line ?
Thanks in advance

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Take a look at here:

I have one at home and it works like a charm!


Thanks Simone ! Is it working with Homey ? I couldn’t find an app

not yet but it shouldn’t be too complicated to develop. you can access Alfa data through ModBus. I was just thinking of working on it

You can group those devices and have their power consumption value added as one output, by using an Advanced virtual device



look all so to some device from homewizzard (Eatron)
They have 1 fase or 3 fase din rail mounted power and have a App in Homey

Link to the App : [APP][Pro] Homewizard 🧙‍♂️

Link to the module
1 fase


The device off Homewizard or rebranded from Eatron, so if you find these in your country then you can all so use these

These one have power, meeting, voltage, Amp, totall.

You could starting with one main (3fase) between your Grid and your power board
And then later expand to a few groups in your hous you want to monitor