Presence detection recommendation

I use ifttt geofencing and it usually works. In the cases that it don’t I have a 20 sec delay before the alarm sounds. If the alarm triggers I get a confirmation-box asking me if I want to turn off the siren. If yes, the countdown stops and the alarm turns off.

Yes correct. Also there are many differnces individually and in hardware.

i have a 100% score with ifttt ( phone always in my pocket ) … my wife’s phone in her purse on the car floor has 80%. Some have an old samsung with a “so so” gps receiver … other has the newest Iphone .

Another nice one. Indoor location varies also. I sometimes play pokemon go ( sorry :joy: ). When i have pokemon open on my phone and put it on the table I see my avatar walk around. It simply keeps moving in all directions. Again … the phone is static on the table and not moving. Sometimes it even runs to the other side of town despite i’m not moving… GUESS WHAT … after 300 meters homey thinks i’m away and i’m in my house with all the lights and tv turned off :joy:. Rare but it happens.

its not pokemon bugged … not homey bugged … its just a variation of bad (indoor) GPS reception on my phone.

Same happens with pokemon when i walk the dog. When i walk like a nerd with the phone in front of me … no problem with good reception and avatar is walking at my position.

When i put it in my pocket … walk 5 mins and take it out of my pocket … then my avatar can be 500 m away … suddenly It gets good reception ( out of pocket ) and the avatar runs towards my position again.

Stupid example … but it shows it has to do with gps reception and it can happen when you approach you geofence with your phone in you pocket … your phone position is 500m away and homey does not trigger. Nothing homey can change about that unfortunately.

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Guilty :joy:

I use the fingbox in combination with ifttt. This gives a very high reliability. The fingbox knows when I am on my home wifi or not and passes it on to ifttt, with which I can start a flow. I don’t read much about this, am I the only one who uses this?

What is the difference with fingbox and just using the built-inn wifi-trigger in IFTTT?

With the built-in wifi trigger from ifttt I regularly got error detections. The fingbox has the option to set a delay in the event of absence so that a small interruption of the Wi-Fi does not lead to an absence report.
But it would be even better if an app was developed for Fingbox. Then ifttt can be disabled for attendance. I have already created a request for this.

Still got a 99.5% hit with our tile pro’s (pre-2020 edition)

Hi. Is there a way to manage Homey’s presence detection with macrodroid? Did I miss something or do you have a solution in macrodroid which communicates with Homey? Macrodroid is great btw :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

I do use only Macrodroid to manage my presence.
When connected to home WiFi send a weebhook to Homey. When disconnected from home WiFi send a weebhook to homey. Actually you can implement in Macrodroid some additional check to avoid unwanted disconnections. It is simple, reliable without using a continuos ping sensing.

There is a new way to do presence detection based on face recognition.