Please explain this pattern in System CPU load

Just check to see of anyone else got 2 peaks within the hour after lunch today?

nope, just every two hours. My Homey is veeeeery slow (especially Zwave) in these periods. Or its even missing signals.

Like this? (My local time is UTC+2)

Yes, about the same but 4 days ago…
Today I got peaks about 3h apart mid-day.

No really pattern here it seems. :thinking:

Same here every 2 hours it peaks to 70%

Same problem here. And in this time period, especially z-wave is very slow, and often does not respond at all.

I’ve been a Homey user for 10 days now, and I am not impressed

I have my Homey Pro running with only 2 apps and no flows (waiting out the Zwave bug before migrating…), so it is doing absolutely nothing. But I see these 2-hourly CPU load spikes as well.

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If this is the case, can you contact Athom please ? Because if unloaded Homey is doing it, it’s something under-laying in the homey-pro core itself and would be very nice to provide them diag/info without noise (eg. like many of us having >10 apps >100 devices >xxx flows etc.

Just to be sure it is not within the apps I deleted everything, will see if it still peaks now and then report to Athom. Although I can hardly imagine that they don’t see this behaviour themselves on any of their presumably a couple of dozen test devices.

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I have analyzed CPU utilisation of all my ~50 apps already before and I know it’s not caused by any of them … it’s the homey-pro core process (Node.JS based), which is causing it.

Yeah, they may even not have focus on such problem right know…don’t forget, then need to fix ZWAVE, Bluetooth…implement Thread, extend Satellite Bridge… and many many more.

This is just to ensure they have more calls and more reports, so that they will be looking on it - it’s about prioritisation.

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I have contacted Athom multiple times but I never get a response…

I also experience the build up in Memory usage by Homey:

After a restart this returns back to “normal”:

Do more of you have this issue?

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Via Support or different way ? Support shall answer you always…

Via support, I do get an email hat they received my issue but then it gets silent

I haven’t any memory buildup issues, can run almost 2 weeks at around 500MB free.

Clarification: around 10MB build up per day.

Yes, free mem goes down over time as well… but didn’t check if it’s due to the core process

I have the same problem. I will open a ticket for the support.

FYI: Here is the response I received on July 18 to my support ticket:

Thank you for reaching out to our support and for your feedback on the Homey Pro (Early 2023) Early Access!

As the new Homey Pro (Early 2023) is currently in Early Access, some functionalities might not function correctly at the moment.

To view the current status of the Homey Pro Early Access, please use On this page, there is a list of known issues, which are currently being worked on to fix by our development team.

At the moment, a lot of issues with Homey Pro (Early 2023) are already resolved. Please check the following page to see which updates are made in Homey Pro’s firmware: Homey Pro (Early 2023) Changelog | Homey

I’ve shared your feedback with our development so they can have a look at it. If you’re experiencing any more issues with Homey Pro (Early 2023) or with the beta version of the Homey app, would you please be so kind to report these issues through the following links:

If your reported issue is not fixed within a few weeks to a month please contact us once again.

Thanks again for thinking along and participating in our Early Access, we appreciate your input!

Best regards

— Athom Support

Stay up to date by liking our Facebook page: Homey

Perhaps if more users in this thread opened separate tickets on the same issue, it would get more attention. I also included a link to this thread in my ticket, so they could see that it applies to more users.

Edit: Added date for the response.

It took nearly four weeks before I received a reply from support…

Homey 2023 is not in Early Access anymore, and the status page they link too doesn’t exist :thinking: