Namron 4512737/4512738 Thermostat not fully removed

Hi Stefan,
please restart Homey. If this doesn’t work, please perform a PTP. After that, please try to add the thermostat again.
However, it would be interesting to know why the thermostat stopped working. Has a new app version been installed? Has a new Homey firmware version been installed? Have you changed anything in the setup? Was there a power failure? Etc…
You don’t provide much information.

Btw, there is a test version of the Namron app in the App Store available. This thermostat is also involved, but for some other reason. Changelog:

Version 2.2.91 — Fixes bug where 4512758/9 is set as Main meter, Adds flow cards for regulator mode 4512758/9, Adds working mode and Slats rotationg time settings for 4512748, Adds a set Mode Flow card for 4512737/8 and 4512744/45