My new out of the box Homey-Pro will not connect to my WiFi

Quote: “One SSID for both 2.4 (auto channel) and 5.5GHz (channel 36) / Strong Password”

There are a lot of new devices who still only support 2.4 GHz. I had to disable 5Ghz on router and access points just to setup my Duux Edge. I can’t remember how ever doing that while connecting my Homey I bought this year.

I noticed in your reply that you are unable to disable 5 GHz? I have no experience with Ziggo routers, is splitting both bandwidth ranges and giving them seperate SSID an option? One 2.4 GHz SSID for older devices not supporting 5 GHz and a second (current SSID) for newer devices which supports it?

Glad it works now. For other forum members who stumble upon this thread. here’s a guide:

Thank you for the link. There are many different troubleshooters and I did try really hard to fix my problem. And no topic mentioned about leaving Homey unpowered for some time.
Anyway, I hope it will help someone if he gets the same issue like I got. :slight_smile:

Glad it worked!
Did not think a PtP (pull the plug for 10-15 mins) would help here, but in general it is always a good ide to try that.
Enjoy your Homey again!

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