MQTT keeps stopping or not recieving messages

Hi All,

I have Homey Pro 2023 running with some flows that use MQTT client to listen for messages on topics. it only seems to work when the MQTT app restarts and then it stops working after a short while, i have MQTT explorer running so i can see messages on topic being sent.

It is also possible that it might be working but receives the messages much much later like over an hour or more, yet my MQTT server receives them instantly.

What’s the system load? Look here for loadavg.

The MQTT client app stopping working sounds like a network issue, but if it takes more than an hour to pass a received message to the flow system it might be indicative of a seriously overloaded Homey (since MQTT typically doesn’t store any data, the MQTT client app apparently is receiving the messages).

Thank you for quick response.

loadavg [0.82,0.31,0.25]


Those values are fine, so overload doesn’t seem to be the reason. Do you have other random issues with Homey? Like other apps that don’t work properly, Homey regularly being marked as offline, errors, etc?

No not at all, if i reset then it works for a little while the stops, all other apps work ok just MQTT receive on topic, MQTT explorer is instant. Just for better information, I have a Nodered instance running, and based on certain conditions sends out a message on a MQTT topic, the MQTT explorer receives it in real time yet Homey will only receive if i restart MQTT Client app. the only weird data i have is also from a received message on MQTT through Home Assistant which again updates real time on MQTT exploer but Homey triggers hours later.

How often are messages being published? The MQTT client app has a trigger queue to work around rate limits imposed by the flow system, perhaps the delay is caused by either an incorrect implementation of that queue, or just a lot of messages that get queued.

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Now that would make sense.

I will look into that as I do have some triggers that update per second.

Thank you for your assistance.