MQTT Hub/Gateway

Yes, unfortunately I’m having this issue too. Using MQTT Hub in combination with Mosquitto broker on Synology Docker.

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It’s been discussed here in past. I restart app every day at no-peek time (1:00 AM) and that solved the issue.

I do not know details but as I remember - it’s no problem of the app but homey has some bug in API, so it cannot be solved without support from Athom.

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I have a simular effect with the hub app. However some of the devices do stil push mqtt messages for me. But i figured out that if i flip the switch on the device that stopped working and then on again in the settings for the hub app then it is back on track again. But a daily reboot on the app couldnt hurt eather like @Zimo wrote.

Hello @HarriedeGroot
I’ve seen the new HomeAssistant Discovery device in the test version of MQTT Hub.
What’s the use case? Is it used to import a device which is exported by anoter MQTT client (a second homey)?

The “Homie Discovery” device can be used to discover and import devices using the Homie Convention. This can indeed be used to connect two Homeys. “Home Assistant discovery” searches and imports devices using the Home Assistant mqtt discovery format.

For each discovered device a MQTT Device is created. This is a Virtual Device with mqtt topics connected to Homey capabilities. If you have custom data being pushed to mqtt, or the discovery does not detect your device, just manually create a MQTT Device and connect the mqtt topics.


Is it possible to export HA entities or devices to such a HA discovery topic? I mean some kind of automatic export like your Hub is doing, without manuel yaml mqtt exports for each topic?
That way it would be a nice way to easy import HA data without direct HA access like the Athom Homeassistant app.

That was the initial idea. But it’s limited…

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Thanks, Harrie.
Tried mqtt_statestream definition with some entities. Looka promising.
But as for most HA entities, it’s difficult to import the values in Homey. Homey really needs some basic capability types like simple number or string capabilities…would it be possible to add such a basic capability as custom capability to the Hub and use it for importing number topics?

I already tried adding general capabilities (number, text, etc.) to the MQTT Device, but had some issues implementing them. Don’t remember the exact issue anymore :grimacing:, had something to do with limits in assigning them iirc.

Got it to work with the HACS integration “MQTT Discoverstream” which represents the statestream integration including the discovery logic from the blueprint. Found at the end of the Blueprint threaad.

I tried to import a entity:

But the value is not recognized:

Do you have a hint what could be wrong?

I have no experience with either, but the state of the HA device is in actual percentages (77) whereas Homey uses the 0-1 range for “percentage”. Perhaps that’s the issue?

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Yes, you are right. I’ll check it with some matching values.

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One question about the MQTT-Hub device:
I need some examples how to use JSONpath and MathJS expressions with the topic value.
In Homey math expressions, a tag is used. But what is uses inside the option to refer to the value?

It would be nice if you could make some screenshots showing the MQTT topic and the settings of the device (best including value and output template (mathjs).
Now I even don’t get a basic float value like “9.23” from a topic into a measure_temperature capabbility.


Hi All,

First of all, sorry for not reading al comments :wink:.
I am a n00b on MQTT and Node Red. I am looking for some guidance on getting the output from the MQTT hub parsed so I can add this to my Influx DB.
The strange part is that sensors differ on how their data is send to the broker.

Some send the data as multiple messages:

Other sensors show up like:

Can anyone tell me how I can parse these two types of data?

I ask you to test the following:

With the new Homey firmware 7.4 xx, an error occurs. However, I cannot yet say whether the broker, hub or client is responsible.
Home Assistant devices can still be switched via Homey. The other way round, Homey devices can no longer be switched by Home Assistant.
Before I start testing another broker, I would like to ask if anyone else has noticed this.

The error also occurs with another broker. I assume that the error is to be found in the HUB app in connection with the new Homey firmware.

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First message from the German forum. The MQTT Broker app does not work with the new Homey firmware v7.4.1 !


Did they use the test version:

I used the testversion with 7.3 to check the new HA discovery.
But this version lost the HA connection after a short time.
Sync Homey>HA was possible, but no control of Homey devices in the HA dashboard.

Hi guys! Up until now I have been using flows and the MQTT client to tie in my MQTT devices to Homey, this app really simplifies the experience and really adds a new level to what is possible with Homey. I’m running a BlueIris instant where I use DeepStack to identify if there’s a person in captured video and to activate a zone if someone is moving within it, really good functionality.

I just got a Ring alarm, and one of the downsides is that integration into homey is limited. However, there is this GitHub project; GitHub - tsightler/ring-mqtt: Ring devices to MQTT Bridge, that meshes perfectly with this app, allowing almost full integration, even with the doorbells!

One issue that I have run into though is that this app publishes binary sensor values as “ON” or “OFF” and not “true/false”. Is there a way to use the templating to translate this boolean?

It’s configurable from the “advanced settings”, if you’re using an MQTT Device.

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