Meross App Support

Hi Doekse
Do we know if there is likey to be an interim fix for the current non-offocial system? its frustrating that now all devices seem to have stopped working for control and feedback on status.

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Can’t it be possible to post the source code on github or somehing like that to let the community add more device support ? It’s clear that the developper don’t have the time to maintain his app.

I’m a developper myself and asked for some references support more than 1 year ago. If source code was released, I could try to do it myself.


I already have the garage door opener working with the Meross app but when trying to add an outdoor plug I get an error code 1030 - no matter which region. There seems to be a bug there because it does not rely on the already existing app login.

Please help! Thanks

Same issue here.

Just got an MSL-430, installed it in the Meross app, setup the Homey Meross app, and created a device, which seems to work. It turns on/off, and dims, but when I change the colors (either white or RGB) the light color doesn’t change (when selecting white) or the light turns off when I select the RGB picker in Homey.

But when I use the Meross app itself to change colors, I can see the colors updating in Homey.

Does anyone have a smart idea on how to resolve this?

Hi Doekse
Is there any further new yet on an official app, did Bence agree to lead this project?

Hi @Darrell_Etherington!

Bence indeed agreed to get to work on the official update for the Meross App on Homey. Meross has recently shared their API with him and he can get to work :wink:

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My only advice after many tests and missing communication with Bence: drop the app and do it this way:

  1. Add devices to the Meross original iOS app (or HomeKit enabled devices to Apple Home)
  2. Install HomeBridge or Hoobs to an Raspberry Pi → create a Meross Bridge and enable local communication (the inventory will be done by Cloud connect, but the devices are controlled locally)
  3. Add the HomeKit Controller app to Homey Pro
  4. Connect the Meross Bridge (from HomeBridge) with the HomeKit Controller

Now you have all devices mapped to Homey and changing the color of MSL430 and LED strips works fine.

The HomeBridge app is really good and supports all Meross devices. The HomeKit Controller support ist really good too - here in the forum.

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Thanks, been trying to set up another workaround with HASS, which is connected to my Homey already. If that doesn’t work out I’ll try your setup :+1:

Update: Installed the Meross app in HASS by using the HACS, connected my account (you can also manually install the devices without cloud), and imported my Meross devices in HASS. Then used the Homey “Home Assistant Community” app to import the devices into Homey.

So another workaround for people having issues with the current Homey Meross app, and maybe already have a HASS server running.

PS. I had already installed my Meross devices in the iOS Meross app

I have the Meross Smart Wi-Fi Socket Thermostat (MTS960):

How can I request/petition for this device to be supported by the Meross app?

Why is the Meross app still available in the store while you can’t use it ? I bought a Meross outdoor plug because I saw the Meross app in the Homey store, thinking that my device was supported by Homey.

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We are working on an official App @Wim_van_der_Krogt :wink:

In the meantime, if you’re considering new devices, check out our Best Buy Guides. They’re a fantastic resource for finding the perfect smart home products!


On best buy guide you forgot wall socket !


Hi, will it support Meross Smart Thermostat Wi-Fi (MTS200BHKEU) please?

I have an important suggestion for the official app:

Let the dashboard icon show and change open/close status for garage door opener.
It’s annoying having to long press the icon to get further into menus to operate the garage door.

That is a great idea - you can get around it by creating a virtual device but it is a little fiddly to do.


Step 4

How do I connect the Meross bridge from Homebridge to Homey? Thanks

Add HomeKit Controller App to homey and add a new device: it should discover the bridge and devices. You have to add the bridge first. After that you can add the devices. My bridge is named “Meross Bridge” and it looks like this:

CleanShot 2024-10-16 at 18.02.07@2x

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That’s strange because all my Homebridge bridges are exposed to Homekit but IP controller does not see them. I guess I have to remove it from Homekit first to be discovered. I’ll try that.

I’ve managed to add it but still some issues. For instance, I have a Meross 425 with USB and 3 sockets which can all be individually controlled. For some reason only the USB is exposed and the other three sockets are not found. Same with outdoor plug MS620, two sockets but only one is exposed. Any suggestions?