Meross App crashes

Got it. Thanks!

Too good to be true? All the Meross devices came into Homey Pro, but I keep getting a timed out error.

After about 10 minutes, the devices I tried to turn on and got the error on actually turned on. I went into the Homey app and tried again after that happened and I could control devices. Then a few minutes later I tried again and got the timed out error again.

Another workaround is possible if the Meross device supports Homekit and if you also have Home Assistant running in your network.
Add the Meross device to Home Assistant with the Homekit controller integration and use the Home Assistant community app on Homey to import the devices in Homey.

I only have one Meross device, the MSS425F (smart WiFi surge protector) with 4 separate switchable contacts and a USB charger. It was very easy to add it to HA and import it to Homey. It works like a charm.
Maybe other Meross devices can be added in the same way.

Oh, I forgot to mention that HA is talking directly to the device, so no more need of the Meross cloud and the Meross app.

I don’t have Home Assistant. I tried it once, but too difficult & time consuming for me.

Just install the SmartThings 2 app by Adrian Rockall as mentioned before in this thread:

I did, but as my previous post states, I’m getting timed out errors now as I try to use the Meross devices in Homey.

I’m in the same boat. Submitted a support email to Meross a week ago and followed up today. No reply there.

Unfortunately, I can’t get HCS to install Smartthings 2 presently, but if B_Clark’s post is accurate, perhaps this API change has killed Smartthings as well and it wouldn’t matter.

The app is not developed by Meross - what did you expect?
I received an answer from the dev - he will fix the issue and add support for more devices.

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My apologies for misspeaking Jorg. Sorry if it messed up your day.

I simply misread the support email on the Homey App store and thought it directed to Meross, not a developer.

Either way…submitted feedback twice w/ no reply. Glad you heard something.

After having had some email contact with the developer, I understand he is working on a fix. However, he is doing this in his free time, so supporting him with a small donation will certainly help him (and us) in the good direction. The issue itself seems to be related to Meross who made changes to the API of their cloud access.

I have tried to contact the meross support and this is their reply:

Dear Luca,
Thank you for contacting Meross.
Some users have indeed expressed a desire to control Meross products with Homey, but we haven’t officially entered into a partnership agreement with the Homey platform. Your feedback will be conveyed to our product development department, and they will consider the possibility of adding support for Homey in the future.

Waiting for a Fix from the developer or an official app!
If the developer opens a section on the Homey’s forum I’ll be very happy to donate in order to help him.
I don’t like that I have to contact him only via mail…