Matter Lights - "during xx sec" missing


while playing around with Circadian Lightning I noticed that a dim level or temperature cannot be set during a distinct time period. While it is possible when using the flow card provided by the Hue app, the native Matter flow card does not have this feature.

Am I missing something? Is this a missing feature in the Matter protocol or does it need to be implemented by Athom? Does somebody may have a workaround for the Matter device? I dont like to have the same device twice in my list of devices.

Transition time is a mandatory field for MoveToLevel commands in the Matter 1.2 standard, which Athom says Homey supports:

In other words: Athom needs to implement this.

The matter standard does support a duration for brightness/color transitions. So either Hue does not expose that through their bridge or Homey can’t handle it. But I don’t have a Matter certified light bulb to check myself.

Could still be that Hue simply does not expose it through their bridge as their Matter support is a bit shaky

This is Homey’s “dim” implementation for Matter:

export const genericOnDim = ({ virtualDevice }) => ({ capabilityId, value, }) => {
    if (typeof value !== 'number') {
        throw new TypeError(`Invalid value for capability ${capabilityId}: ${String(value)}. Expected number`);
    const level = 1 + Math.round(value * 253);
    return virtualDevice.sendClusterCommand({
        command: MatterClusters.LevelControlCluster.commands.moveToLevel,
        commandArguments: {
            transitionTime: 0,
            optionsMask: {
                executeIfOff: true,
                coupleColorTempToLevel: false,
            optionsOverride: {
                executeIfOff: true,
                coupleColorTempToLevel: false,

Notice the transition time :wink:

Well ok in this case fully Homeys fault and a huge L since they support it for zigbee etc… I guess only option is to message support and wait for a few months…

EDIT: Just checked the specs and transitionTime has been part of the standard since 1.0

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Thanks for the clarification! I will write to the support and request this feature according to the Matter standard. The more people will do that the higher the chance that we do not need to wait months. :wink:

I wrote 2 times because Nanoleaf light bulbs (matter over thread) has the same issue…no duration…
My old inner bulbs was that so that was very disappointing with an update I have less functions :confused: