Little rant about reliability, am I alone?

Hello everyone, I am very curious if this is like an issue everyone is facing or if maybe my homey is faulty. But for real, my homey pro 2023 is one most unreliable smarthome devices I have ever experienced. Want to open my window blinds? Ain’t gonna happen, homey is not doing it, maybe turn on the light? Nope, group failed, only 2/5 lights are turning on. Starting plex streaming, great but homey is not doing any flows that are based on that trigger. I have to restart and restart and restart and restart. It’s continuous work which is not the point in a smarthome solution. The estimated probability of homey actually doing what it should do is in the single digits for sure. It’s so frustrating, I’ve spent hours building flows and integrating everything but it JUST DOESNT SO ANYTHING. Unless I restart of course, apps, homey, whatever. Then it works for a couple of hours. So now, every time I want to turn on my lights, I restart the integrations needed first. And yes I have build flows to restart the apps (how insane?) but they also just don’t trigger or they do not resolve the issues. It’s a mess and I am very close to giving up.


I feel Homey is just for hobby. I feel this home automation thing is not mature enough. So I am stopping automating my house any further, and I am looking for a professional system and technology before going on.

By the way, professional systems can be a pain in the ass too :grin: as I currently have a very sophisticated zone heating system, which is not able to control the heater and floorpomp synchronously. Also very disappointing.


Personally, beside one problem caused by me and another issue where mDNS stopped working on the device itself (not Homey’s fault). I would say most things works very reliably. Much better than with Samsung Smartthings at the time.

How these problems started? All together after an update or after installing a specific App maybe? Gradually? Or did you spend a few hours installing everything at once and it is difficult to identify where the problem come from?

Do you know if the issues with your flows come from device that cannot be reached or cause by Apps that are crashing?

Did you reach out to Ahom support to investigate what’s going-on? They are usually very helpful if you help them trying to help you.


I am willing to agree with Rmb here, I bought the Homey Pro 2023 now because i fell for the marketing that it should be able to just talk to everything, making everything talk to each other without hassle since it is supporting all the protocols and whatever.
So far in the week since I got it i have had success with like 50% of my devices, the other I had to learn a new coding language (javascript/homeyscript) and how to parse JSON files, use things like Open API 3.0, webhooks, get down and dirty with my wifi mesh settings to make temperature sensors work since they required static IP to work etc etc.
Basically, I have been coming home from work just to continue working to get my devices working together in flows. It was NOT the experience i signed up for, anything other than plugging in a device, pressing a button to make it available in Homey is too much work tbh. The smart home market REALLY needs to step up soon, its been years and years and this is the state we are in? Really? Come on… its not rocket science.


On some devices I have spent hours and hours to get the device up an running with Homey. When it finally runs, I have no clue what made it work. Then when something gets broken, it sometimes cost me again many hours to get things repaired. Due to poor fault analysis tools as well for Homey as for the connected devices. And it is intolerable to reset everything back to factory defaults and start the whole proces again.
When you get home and the light will not switch on, I am not amused. Even when it is only a poor battery that needs replacement, it sometimes takes to many hours to detect the problem and to repair/reconfigure the device and flows. All very nice for a hobby, but not for real life :grin:
It don’t misunderstand me, I am having fun with Homey :wink:


Most of the time the problem is the device, not the Homey.

I have a Homey2023 with lots of WiFi, Z-wave and zigbee devices and no problems.


Same here,
I have 2 homeys in 2 homes with more than 100 devices each and they work rather fine (I reboot my Homeys every other week). The. glitches I experience are related to some devices that connect poorly via zigbee or zwave.
The real drawback of Homey is its cloud dependence as we experienced a few months ago


The ads and commercials promised this car I bought to be a women magnet.
All I got was cops following me all the time.


female cops? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I do recognise a lot of commends.
Homey do suggest that it is the final all in one solution for smart home automation.
In the end, it is for this moment defenitly NOT.

Very simple, Ikea Tradfi and Aqara is not working together, while it is both ZigBee. In combination, Aqara sensors just stop working.

A solution is not yet avaialbe. The good thing is that Homey support is taking cases serious and really is looking for cause and solution.

But for the moment I expect that several hubs with integration from this hubs to Homey is more reliable than the one and only Homey Hub.

But, if we give as much as possible detailed input to support, I think it can be better in the future.

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I’m using Homey since 2017 i think. Have had moments to reconsider a different platform, but then the question is which one. They all have drawbacks. I’m running Home Assistant and Homey together, and that made it quite stable. I do not use Zwave anymore, only wifi product or products with their own bridge. When it comes to simplicity, Homey outranks them all.

I do think that Homey 2023 is a less complete product than the first series, due to the lack of speech and control of the ledring. For me, i hope that there will be a VMware version so i don’t need the hardware of Homey anymore.

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Hmmm it’s possible, but it costs around 80 million (“LG buys Athom for Homey OS”)

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Similar experience, I just have motion glows setup to turn on lights in rooms as you come and go and it’s random as to if it work or not.

They’re set to work of the rooms status and each has multiple motion and presence fp2 sensors connected to homey.

Also randomly homey stops letting HomeKit control my front door lock which is a Conexis L1. Reboot homey and it’s fine again. Homekitty posts you just get it’s nothing to do with home kitty but homey is the ONLY of the HomeKit hubs I have that has the intermittent offline issue. Aquara and Lightwave hubs work flawlessly and never drop out so to always say it’s HomeKit and not homey/homekitty is ridiculous

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Homey is just unable to control multiple devices at once reliably. This problem has existed for many years so apparently it can’t be fixed.

A typical workaround is to switch the devices one at a time, with a delay in between.

It’s not HomeKitty :man_shrugging:t3:

Assuming that something is wrong is one thing. The next thing to do is to find and execute a testplanto make sure the assumption is true. That step is usually forgotten.

I’ve had no problems with flows or any other devices except those that use bluethoot to connect. Either there is something physically wrong with my Homey or the BT antenna is just crap.

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I can only agree with the findings of the OP. Last year I was using Home Assistant en it was actually working really well. I’m pretty tech savvy so I had no real issues getting all my devices (Zigbee/Wifi) up and running. The only thing I found annoying was creating a dashboard (I have a wall mounted iPad) which looked good. The Homey marketing machine also got to me with their flashy new Homey Pro Box (Sorry, the old one was like ugly af). They promise all protocols and at the time I felt like I was missing out with just Zigbee and Wifi. So I bit the bullet and bought homey Pro 2023. It was actually fairly easy so set up en with advanced flows I got most of my flows up and running. I have to say the Advanced flow is great, even though I was using Node Red in HA, which is similar. But there was also some annoyance’s like not being to able to setup multiple Zigbee lights at once. (Like really?). I have some lights that require 3 GU10 spots. I had to literally setup one light, remove the light, setup the second light, remove and setup the 3rd light, because each time I reset a light it woulld only detect the same light, but I digress. After migrating from HA to Homey a lot of things just did not work reliable. The App not connecting, having to reboot my Homey a lot… Aqara smart plug power metering not working for months, Sonos Integration randomly failing. Slow response from Hue lights. Yes, I used the no hub solution, because come on, that was the whole idea of Homey, right? Also missing integration like Apple TV (Not really Homey’s fault, but I really liked that Integration in HA and have a lot of flows using it.). Al in all I started to miss HA more and more and eventually after fiddling around with Homey for like 6 months I returned to Home Assistant en never looked back.


Not a problem here, make sure not Pic nic :stuck_out_tongue: . Jokes aside, it Must be the devices…

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Trust me, it’s Homey. Not a single issue with Home Assistant. I mean, if brands like Sonos, Hue and Aqara don’t work properly I don’t have much hope for more Obscure brands.


I find Homey to be a stable manager. If there is an issue with stability I turn off apps untill I find the culprit. Overal i’m pleased with the functionality.

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