Insides / historical data not working since firmware 12.3.0

None of my insights data is working since the Homey updated to software 12.3.0.

Can anyone help me?

Athom is not helping for some reason and is forwarding me to the forum…

Best regards,

Seriously… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Someone else got the exact same response: Arre Smart Button - #16 by DWK007

Athom has apparently given up on customer support.

Oh wow…
I wouldn’t accept that answer.

In general, a (soft) reboot solved the weirdest post-update issues. Worth a shot!

Also check if the insights from the mobile app also have quit logging.

Oh, maybe it"s a web app cache issue or such.
Open in a private tab to see if anything is different.
(All hints are just brainfarts)

Thank you for your toughts.

Soft and hard reboot didn’t solve the issue,
The insights itself are broken, I suggest a glitch in the data storage.
On different devices and also in Homey apps that are using insights data (such as Power by the hour and Inside graphics).

With that reopen the support issue.
Everything looks like it is a bug :bug:

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Definitively reopen the ticket, remind them that ALL your insights are not working - I believe they have misunderstood your picture, maybe thinking it’s problem of one single device only.

I think Athom has started using an AI to handle support requests.

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Well, I have the same expression regarding Athom support.
Just wonder, has Athom given up customer support?
Has it anything to do with LGs takeover of Athom?

I have an unsolved case, 2 months old.
The last answer from me is 21 days ago with a new crash report, not a single word from Athom for over a month…
Honestly, I regret switching from Homeseer to Homey as it is today.
@Doekse , is this the level of support we should expect?

Just to stay on the topic, your issue was exactly the same, or is it related to the one you opened here - Cards unavailable - #6 by Olex - if so, I will comment there as well.

It’s true however that the Athom support has response time up to 3 weeks for some kind of issues - mostly when it is required to be addressed to the developers.

Usually those related to malfunction hardware based on my experience are handled very promptly, if the issue is confirmed and sometimes Athom even goes above it.

For some other type of issues, like non functional Bluetooth, …well better will not comment. :wink: