Insert time Phone, executing in Homey

Good afternoon,

I am a user of an Iphone 15 and Homey Pro 2023.

I am looking for the easiest way to set a time with my phone, then this time is taken over in Homey and activates a flow at this time.

I have tried to get this done via Commands app on the iPhone, but I am not successful. However, it would be nicest to do shortcut on my phone. I have also read that this is possibly possible with the alarm function in Homey., Other possibilities are also welcome :slight_smile:

In short:
Enter time on my phone (Homey variable or Commands app)
Time is taken over in Homey
Time is used to start a flow in homey at set time.

I hope I made myself a little clear.

Thanks in advance.

You can create a flow in Homey and make it a “favorite” Then you can use your Iphone commands/automations app to trigger that flow when for example an alarm goes off (also a specific alarm etc), is snoozed etc. Also you can add many other triggers

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@Chris_nl are you using an app for this alarm?
The default homey alarm for me does not show:

  • “automatisering voer onmiddelijk uit”
  • meld indien uitgevoerd


This is the Commands app from iOS.

Ahh of course, thanks, I was thinking in the homey app…

It’s called “Shortcuts” in English :smiley: