INNR, Plugwise and Ubisys Zigbee Apps

Just a status report concerning my Zigbee apps for Firmware 5.0.0:

The INNR app is already available with some smaller remarks. The Remote is work in progress, so not fully supported yet. The FL 1X0 C (for example the FL 120 C) is not supported yet. I have received a sample from INNR and it’s a matter of time (a few weeks because i’m on holiday now) before it will be available.

The Plugwise Zigbee and Ubisys Smarthome apps are work in progress. I did start with it, but because of my holiday it will take a few weeks before done.

@Henk_Renting thx for the initiative and @TedTolboom thx for mentioning me and your support.

Many thx to the community users that donated, much appreciated!


Great work! For the Ubisys SmartHome app, would it now with Firmware 5.0.0 be possible to add support for configuration of the input-types?

That’s one of the things I want to look in to, because in the current stable firmware the specific cluster isn’t supported

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Hi @kasteleman,
I bought two innr vintage filament Edison Bulb lamps. The connection to Homey worked without problems. But the lamps cannot be controlled. Neither the brightness can be changed nor can the lamps be switched on/off.
A restart of the app (v2.0.2 beta) could not solve the problem. A restart of Homey (PTP) is not possible at the moment, but I will try it later.
Homey Firmware: 5.0.0-rc.23
Diagnostic report: eb01abbd-5eb3-49aa-a638-243d354ae3c3

Thx for the feedback and report.

I received a crash report and because of that I found the issue. I therefore need to adapt the code, because it is sdkv3 related (overlooked that part and did not change it).

So bare with me, because I need a little time to fix and test it and publish a new version to the Homey APP store.


Hi @kasteleman,
I have heard that in earlier versions of the app there was an option “transition of colors”.
Is it possible to reactivate this option?

You should find that in the flow editor.
There you can select transition to color. It is a default flowcard available for Rgbw bulbs. Nothing to do with the app itself, it is default build in.

Many thanks again for the really quick feedback!
Okay, got it. I had understood that I could choose 2 colors in 1 action card and then a transition period.

The actions “Start/Stop dim level change” and the belonging description are in English language, the remaining cards are all in German language. Can I help you to translate them into German language? In GitHub?

Edit: Sorry, but I haven’t understood the color change yet.
How is it possible to change from red to green within 15 minutes?
For all color relevant properties there is no possibility to select a duration as it is the case for example with the dimming action.


help with translation is always welcome!

Good catch regarding the duration option. I’ll contact Athom about it.

[EDIT] found the issue. Will be solved with the new release of the app.

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That’s great to hear.

Regarding the translation: I guess I did something wrong, or did you receive the file. GitHub is new to me, sorry.

I did not receive the

So what do I have to do to send you the file or upload it to GitHub?

Just received the file.

A quick update: finishing a new version of the INNR SDKv3 App.

  1. Fixed duration option for some flows
  2. DE translation added. THX @DirkG for the contribution
  3. Fixed Energy for SP 120
  4. Added FL 1X0 C led strips


New version v2.0.3 for Firmware 5.0.0: INNR App for Homey | Homey

Hi @kasteleman,
Is there a possibility to adjust the dimming level without turning the lamp on? In the “background”?

Example: In the evening my outdoor spots dim down to 0 %. If I switch them next day manually on, the spots stay off because the dimming level is 0 %. Then I think the spots are broken or that the connection to Homey is interrupted. :wink:

At the moment I use a flow in the morning which sets the dimming level to 100 % and switches the spots after 3 seconds off.
Is there another workaround?

Why not dim them down to 1 and then turn of in a flow?

From a distance they probably looks like they are out, too.
If there is no possibility to change the dimming level in the background, I will stay with my current solution. It’s ok.

You can use a variable that holds the dim value and the value of this variable you can change during the day to the wanted dim level. So when the spot has to light up, you take the dim value of the variable and send it to the spot dimmer.

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A bit complicated, but definitely the right solution to my question. Thanks a lot!

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Just a quick update: the Plugwise Zigbee App for the new firmware 5.0.x is almost ready.