I am actually facing issue with Ikea door sensor (Parasoll) - It was working properly for severl weeks, but now, seems Zigbee network was somehow changed, and it starts to automatically turning ON/OFF my Aqara H1 switch on sensor open/close.
Based on what I read, it is due to to Ika sensor automatically tries to trigger on/off events in assigned zigbee group and appearently, my H1 switch was assigned to same group.
I found, that homey has nice developer tool - Homey Developer Tools
But still no meaningful configuration otpions there - just visualisation of network.
Is there any way how to change it ? (eighter ikea sensor turn off auto trigger or change goruping) ?
No, Homey doesn’t support Zigbee groups.
AFAIK the issue only occurs when the IKEA devices is being routed through the Aqara device, but you also cannot force the IKEA device to not be routed through your H1 switch (the only option would be to move one out of range of the other, but that’s usually not practical).
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I have around nine Ikea door sensors at home, but I’ve only had this issue with one of them. After some time, it started turning the relay on and off directly on the Aqara H1 switch. I finally lost patience and replaced the Aqara switch with an Ikea Rodret (I have about seven of those as well), but once again, only this one is causing issues.
At first, it started controlling the Lidl light above the kitchen table from the bathroom (besides the one in the bathroom, which is correctly set in the flow). Then, a few days later, it also started controlling another light in the utility room.
I have no idea how this is happening only with this one out of seven, while the others work perfectly fine. 
It could be due to routing changes in your Zigbee network, where the sensors found another route (which is normal in a Zigbee mesh) through the devices that are now being switched all of a sudden.
So then it is missing functionality which should be pointed to Athom developers. As whole Homey become unreliable when devices act random actions.
Just wrote to HOMEY support.
I have the same problem with the IKEA Rodret and the Aqara Smart Plug. When I press a button on the Rodret remote, the Aqara Smart Plug gets triggered.
It’s super annoying.