[HOW TO] CLI install method

Yes, running cmd as admin. I have also reinstalled Node.js and CLI tools, no difference.
The problem is that the browser does not open so I can log in.

I’m following this guide.

Try this

Keep in mind characters are case sensitive

No, it did not work, got this error message: Error: yargs parser supports a minimum Node.js version of 12.

Anybody knows how to solve it? I tried to install colors version 1.4.2, that was the previous one, but It still give me that error.

Athom has updated the version on their repository but haven’t published it to NPM yet. You can install it directly from the repository for now:

npm i athombv/node-homey -g
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many thanks, it worked!

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Dus git installeren (wat op elk fatsoenlijk ontwikkelplatform standaard aanwezig is :stuck_out_tongue: )


Ik ben nieuw met Homey en heb nu wel drie verschillende videos en blogs gelezen. Ik vind het aardig moeilijk, zeker omdat dingen blijkbaar contact zijn veranderd. Jammer dat hier niet iets recents over te vinden is.

Inmiddels zie ik GH ook als app in Homey, maar geen idee hoe dat werkt. Resources zijn schaars.

Ik ben inmiddels zo ver gekomen om de app te selecteren in terminal, maar als ik the app will instaleren krijg ik het volgende, iemand een idee?

Screenshot 2022-12-27 at 21.22.06

That’s because this topic is for Homey Pro, not the Homey (cloud).
You can’t sideload apps on Homey (cloud), only run it in a Docker, for development purposes, and if you close the CLI, it will also close the app again.

Have since changed the first post with this information to make this more clear.

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i get the error code ‘‘install Parameter app’’ when trying to install the opentoon.
where can i find this parameter app?
thank you in advance.

Could you provide a copy of the CLI prompts so we can see what you are doing?

On a command prompt

npm i -g homey

then homey login

Then to the location of the opentoon download., upzipped location

go to the directory with the app.js and app.json in it, you should be in the folder where these files are which makes it more easy to follow the right steps.

Then run : homey app install

Then you should be seeing the app installed on your homey.

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This is new for me, but I installed a app and if look on my phone it says it is “ingeschakeld” but the values are not updating.
Is that a problem inside the app or do I need to give another command after homey app install

depends on what the App is supposed to do, you’re a bit vague about that.

Sorry, the app is running as what I see with Insights.
So I think it is something in the app.

When you run the app instead of install, you can view the logs live in the cmd screen
homey app run
Maybe there’s a hint to be found for what’s happening.

I am getting the following error
Anyone tips for mee

✓ Pre-processing app

✓ Validating app

✓ App validated successfully against level debug
✓ Packing Homey App

— App archive size: 888 KB, 56 files
✓ Installing Homey App on Homey Pro van Guido (https://%homeyid%.homey.eu-west-1.homeypro.net)

× Error