I’m not really familiar with how the Energy part of the app is supposed to work, but if I’m reading correctly, it seems the app is reporting 65kWh of power consumption in one day by a single LED light that was switched on twice for a few minutes. The device is reading from is a Fibaro relay (double switch 2).
Check the moment of change in the first chart. It is much earlier in time than the first of the two spikes (more than an hour difference?) in the 2nd chart.
Anyways, reset the power usage of the fibaro switch and try testing again to find out is there really is an issue.
Hi @K_S ,
I have the same issue with some cheap Tuya power meter switches.
And I do not know, how to reset, and it probably won’t help as the difference in Energy shows some 150 to 300 kWh per washing incident.
My work around is to add a virtual device that only collects the current power (Watt), not the energy (kWh). Any statistics on power usage is done via Power-by-the-Hour App based on the virtual device.
That is not very precise, but sufficient for my needs.
For heavy duty devices like heating, cooking, ev charging I have more reliable power meters.
regards Dirk
As you can see in the linked post I also had this problem with Z-Wave devices, a Fibaro Double Switch (FGS-223) and an Aeotec Smart Switch 7 (ZW175).
In the Energy Topic, other users also have such problems with Zigbee devices. That’s why I’m not sure that the issue is really caused by the device.
To be honest, I don’t have a solution for this problem either and I don’t think that resetting the consumption is a permanent solution.
I am on IOS, and cannot find the windows you are showing. However they show up when long clicking on the device till and selecting the graph (Insights) button.
So I still suggest to clear the data in Insights and see the results.
Thanks for your post. (TBH anything entitled ‘megathread’ generally makes me think of something more valuable to do with with my time!). Nonetheless, in my naïve understanding the on off times seem to be sending correctly, so it would be my guess that the Athom software is trying to calculate the power consumed from those, not the Fibaro relay sending a total consumption figure
I would expect that when the lamp is on, the power is a constant line, and the energy is a slowly raising line. So it might be that the energy meter of your device is not started at zero. It might have been used before. So click on the device tile and look up the value of the energy meter.
For setting the energy meter of the wall switch to zero, see the manual.
This is why I asked to reset the usage. if the device was used before and reported consumption the first time, it flips from 0 to the new (65kWh) level. When, after this, the LED light is used, an increase in energy consumption would not be visible in the graph.
I realise now that not all device allow their consumption to be reset. I guess that a reset of the device itself may then be an option. So reset/re-add…
This was not an invitation to read through the entire topic, but a hint that the same or similar problems have already been reported and discussed in the megathread.
I don’t think so. In Developer Tools → Z-Wave → Log you can check which data is sent from your Fibaro Double Switch 2 to Homey.
Hmmm… I would think they mean by that, they don’t want to do anything about it…
Of course they can do something, by using a filter and trends, to ignore any extreme values, like deviating spikes or negative values for consuming devices.
I understand their view on the the fact the device or the app should deliver real valid values, but these 3rd parties are not responsible for the functionality and succes of the new energy tab.
Athom misses the boat completely here imho, because doesn’t everyone points at Homey / Athom, when it doesn’t work as expected?
How should Homey manage my energy when it even doesn’t filter deviations in a smart way?
@K_S , low consumption devices is a challenge. For Z-Wave devices, usually you can configure how small the Energy change should be, when it is reported. I have a light that is seldom turned on. Yesterday the consumed energy suddenly jumped to 10,3kWh (it reported because the treshold was reached):
The value is reported from the device itself. I also have some devices that suddenly reports extreme low values, then jumps back to a “normal” value when it reports next time. It is a issue with the device itself, and the reporting of consumed energy.
Here you have a report that suddenly jumped several hundreds kWh, and then got down to a correct reporting next time it reported:
I agree with @DirkG that I wouldn’t describe as a ‘solution’, turning off mains power, remove the device from the wall box, connecting a power supply, then pressing and holding buttons and the reinstalling…
The device has been in place for over 5 years, and until recently I never paid any attention to Homey’s ‘Energy’ part of the app, but I guess given @Marius_Stensrod and @DirkG experience (+the ‘megathread’), I should just continue to ignore it.
I can’t speculate on where or if the 65kWh is being reported by the device. It is clearly reporting plausible on off times and power consumption values in one page, but even if it was the Fibaro device also sending a nonsense aggregate or cumulative value, then the Athom software should surely ‘handle’ that in some way (e.g. use it’s own calculation of the aggregate from the individual data points it receives, or as @Peter_Kawa implies - not least given that’s what the supposed value of the ‘Energy’ tab in the app is, right?).