How is it possible that Energy reports 65kWh power consumed in a day by a <10W light switched on twice for a few minutes?

I am just curious what the value is of the Energy sensor in your device.
Please share a screenshot, to exclude as much ambiguities as possible.

That is not the issue. Do you have some more history of the Energy reporting? Can you provide the settings for your Fibaro device?

These are the “advanced settings”:

Is this what you meant by history?:

Hi, as I said, 65kWh…

Please provide the power settings, like this if available:

What kind of Fibaro device is it?

You provide the “Power” reading in your screenshot, not the “Energy”.

It’s a Fibaro “Double Switch 2”.

I don’t see any “wattage report threshold” or similar.

Just what posted above, and this

For “Energy” somebody earlier asked me to clear it from the the Insights, so now it just looks like this, since then:

You have very little options for that Z-Wave device. When looking in the manual, the default reporting are every 1kWh:

But after my experience with the FibaroDimmer2 (adjusted to report every 0.1kWh) it reports after it is consumed much more then 0.1kWh.

That was a bad advice. It is the device that report Energy consumption and Homey logs it. Clearing of the Energy statistics in Homey does only make it visually good to look at. It is like turning the radio up in the car, because you have a worn out wheel bearing.

What version of the Fibaro app in Homey are you running?

Well, just set it to zero as described in How is it possible that Energy reports 65kWh power consumed in a day by a <10W light switched on twice for a few minutes? - #15 by DirkG

It’s set to automatically update to the latest version, so currently Fibraro v3.8.0

Well, just set it to zero as described in How is it possible that Energy reports 65kWh power consumed in a day by a <10W light switched on twice for a few minutes? - #15 by DirkG

I’m lost - why would I do that to fix the problem? It is misrepresented wrongly in that case too.

EDIT: you write the switch is connected for years. So I am wrong in assuming it is just reïnstalled a few days ago. Resetting the energy will still give you a clear view of what the graphs in Insight shall be and if the jump in energy will happen again.

You make it more complex. You don’t disconnect the leads. Switching off the mains is just a safe way to get out the switch to give you access to the buttons.

You’re absolutely right, but the energy report settings, how ever they are, shouldn’t lead to up or down peaks. If the energy settings for the total consumption (kWh) are set so that the threshold value is very rarely reported due to low consumption, then the consumption value should only increase, but not fall again.

@K_S, The report settings for the power and consumption values can only be found in the first device of the Fibaro Double Switch 2. These settings then apply to both devices.

Yes, installed at least 7 years and not recently reinstalled. The only thing that drew me to this example was the message in the energy tab of the app that declared (wrongly apparently) that this device was one of the largest sources of consumption.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with my interpretation. When a Homey screen is marked Energy Yesterday and it says 65kWh and shows a line across the hours, it’s not unreasonable to expect it means 65kWh yesterday. This is supposed to be a consumer device, right? If there designers can’t explain their designs unequivocally they should get appropriate help.

:rofl: lol! You sound as though you think it’s reasonable to get screwdrivers out, to address a software design failing.

Turn mains on and off, potentially re-caulk, etc to do this when? How often once per week?

You can’t be serious

It is even worst. At circa 09:00 it raises from almost 0 to 65 kWh in a few minutes. If it is in 1 minute, the power is 65x60=3.900 kW.
So this is eighter a one time glitch, or a problem in your switch. You could inform the manufacturer, of the switch of course.

I am not saying that, but suggesting it to it do it once for trouble shooting.
Or to replace the faulty switch.:wink:

Sorry, but I don’t understand the discussion about resetting the consumption values. That’s definitely not the solution!

In my opinion, there are 2 basic reasons:

  1. The Z-Wave device is providing incorrect data
    1.1 Possibly a firmware update could solve the problem
    1.2 Exclude the device from Homey’s energy recording (advanced settings)
    1.3 Ignore the incorrect data
    1.4 Athom might install some kind of filter. In the “Power by the Hour” app, the incorrect consumption values are also not taken into account.
    1.5 Replace the device

  2. Homey is the cause of the incorrect data, either on the hardware or software side
    2.1 Athom must find the cause and fix it

What I have noticed so far is that it is often Z-Wave devices that display an incorrect consumption value. So far, I have 2 different devices from Fibaro (2 WallPlugs (FGWPE-101), 1 Double Switch 2 (FGS-223)) and a device from Aeotec (Smart Switch 7, ZW175), which shows incorrect consumption values.
To be honest, I can’t imagine that all the devices are really measuring incorrect consumption values.
In addition, the same problem is also mentioned in the Mega thread for Zigbee devices.

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That suggestion came up because it was not clear in the first post that the switch was paired with Homey for a long time.

It would be nice to see if, how and when the number 65 gets higher. With 10 W that takes a long time for testing.

I know, and it’s okay. But that wasn’t really a question to which I expected an answer, but rather a hint that deleting the consumption memory won’t solve the actual problem. So it’s actually an unnecessary discussion, at least for me.