Homey pro 2023 - zwave too much traffic error?

I hope they bring RC4 to the official channel soon.

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Now it is: Homey Pro (Early 2023) Changelog | Homey

Wow, it looks like they read my message ā€¦ :slightly_smiling_face:

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My Z-wave problems were all solved by removing the Fibaro shutter 3 modules (3) and replacing them in Shelly plus 2pmā€™s.
Apparently this caused the no_ark problems for me.

great you ā€œsolvedā€ Homey z-wave issue, by replacing working z-wave modules with wifi modules

Only the 3 fibaro shutter modules of the 46 other fibaro modules. I can live with thatā€¦

Sooo how is this improving for everybody ?

I am reluctant to update without a (lot) of positive feedback from other users who or jot as chicken as me :grimacing:

Z-wave is a bit better with 10.1, but not fully stable. still takes time with some switches to change state. plus, if you switch multiple switches you can watch them change in slow motion. that said one thing I have done is using the developer z-wave tool I have identified the devices with high Rx counts, like over 1500, doing so has helped. Pairing is still a bit slow, needs to be more descriptive than just enter pairing mode when you really need to wait till the message refreshes after step 1.
Overall the Homey Pro is working well, especially the flows and non Z-wave devices. Hopefully the engineers can figure out that last mile on the driver to totally stabilize z-wave.

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Lucky to have auto update off.

Ers the zwave traffic is partially solved but i sloowly see more and more new posts with new issues.

Sigh ā€¦ i find this really bad after all this time

They moved to the 700 series chipset from the 500 in the prior model. Suspect there is a bit of work to do to get the new chips driver in order, including firmware updates from the chip maker. It is getting better at least from what I can see, And leaving auto update off is a good thing to let new releases improve with age before making the plunge.

Strange, since the alpha worked perfectly here, with over 100 Z-Wave devices. Iā€™m afraid to update to the stable nowā€¦

I had major issues until v10.1.0 rc4. v10.1.0 rc4 and stable works perfect :slight_smile:

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Trying right now. :sweat_smile:

Edit: works like a charm


After 5 months since the issue initially occured on my homey, I am happy to see that it is very stable again as it was before during the ā€˜betaā€™ phase. Homey is also very responsive, as are the zwave devices, so it seems that the issue has actually been resolved with the latest firmware.

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Although the latest update made a huge positive difference, I still have a lot off error in the logs.

My Qubino 3-phase Smart Meters does not perform as they should and I also have sporadic latency issues.

If I look in the Devleoper Tools many of my z-wave devices are flagged ā€œunreachableā€ but most of them is reachable when I press Test.

I also have issues when I want to use ā€œHealā€. Sometimes it works and sometimes doesnā€™t. Once it fails on one device it starts to fail on any other device that I test. I have to wait a while and then it might work.

Everything still feels unstable and experimental.

Took the dive today to finally migrate to HP2023. Migration went smooth, zigbee devices need repairing but that was done within 15 minutes.
So far, no zwave errors to see. Overall it feels faster, only issue so far is that 1 of my 2 Switchbot Curtains (BLE) does not respond all the time (sometimes it does, sometimes it does not). On the old Homey, it was working quite ok lately.

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I have sinds the latest update nothing then problems with my zwave network lights switches very slow responding even on 2 m from the homey that plugs does not work time out errors etc etc anyone else have stil the same too?

Yup. I have a lot of Fibaro dimmer 2 modules, when I switch all lights (in timed groups) the last one can take around 30s, or does not switch off at all.

I know reincluding the devices unsecured could possibly make them faster, but I havenā€™t found the courage to do this. Too afraid of disappointing results.

How do you include them insecure?

Use the app Unz-Cure is a option. Install it by CLI.