Homey pro 2023 - zwave too much traffic error?

I’m new to Homey and I just bought the Homey Pro (early 2023). I switched over from Fibaro HC3 that I have had for about 2 years and the last year it has been absolutely stable.

Reason I switched from Fibaro to Homey was because I switched my electric service supplier to Tibber and Homey integrates with them.

However, the experience so far has been a huge disappointment.

My log is full of “TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_FAIL”

2023-10-11T12:13:44.443Z Transmit failed with TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_FAIL - txStatusReport: {“wTransmitTicks”:“0x0”,“bRepeaters”:“0x0”,“rssi_values_incoming_0”:“0x0”,“rssi_values_incoming_1”:“0x0”,“rssi_values_incoming_2”:“0x0”,“rssi_values_incoming_3”:“0x0”,“rssi_values_incoming_4”:“0x0”,“bACKChannelNo”:“0x0”,“bLastTxChannelNo”:“0x0”,“bRouteSchemeState”:“0x0”,“pLastUsedRoute_0”:“0x0”,“pLastUsedRoute_1”:“0x0”,“pLastUsedRoute_2”:“0x0”,“pLastUsedRoute_3”:“0x0”,“pLastUsedRoute_4”:“0x0”,“bRouteTries”:“0x0”,“bLastFailedLinkFrom”:“0x0”,“bLastFailedLinkTo”:“0x0”,“bUsedTxPower”:“0x0”,“bMeasuredNoiseFloor”:“0x0”,“bDestinationAckUsedTxPower”:“0x0”,“bDestinationAckMeasuredRssi”:“0x0”,“bDestinationAckMeasuredNoiseFloor”:“0x0”}
2023-10-11T12:13:44.863Z Transmit failed with TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_FAIL - txStatusReport: {“wTransmitTicks”:“0x0”,“bRepeaters”:“0x0”,“rssi_values_incoming_0”:“0x0”,“rssi_values_incoming_1”:“0x0”,“rssi_values_incoming_2”:“0x0”,“rssi_values_incoming_3”:“0x0”,“rssi_values_incoming_4”:“0x0”,“bACKChannelNo”:“0x0”,“bLastTxChannelNo”:“0x0”,“bRouteSchemeState”:“0x0”,“pLastUsedRoute_0”:“0x0”,“pLastUsedRoute_1”:“0x0”,“pLastUsedRoute_2”:“0x0”,“pLastUsedRoute_3”:“0x0”,“pLastUsedRoute_4”:“0x0”,“bRouteTries”:“0x0”,“bLastFailedLinkFrom”:“0x0”,“bLastFailedLinkTo”:“0x0”,“bUsedTxPower”:“0x0”,“bMeasuredNoiseFloor”:“0x0”,“bDestinationAckUsedTxPower”:“0x0”,“bDestinationAckMeasuredRssi”:“0x0”,“bDestinationAckMeasuredNoiseFloor”:“0x0”}
2023-10-11T12:13:59.688Z Transmit failed with TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_NO_ACK - txStatusReport: {“wTransmitTicks”:“0x51a”,“bRepeaters”:“0x0”,“rssi_values_incoming_0”:“0x7f”,“rssi_values_incoming_1”:“0x7f”,“rssi_values_incoming_2”:“0x7f”,“rssi_values_incoming_3”:“0x7f”,“rssi_values_incoming_4”:“0x7f”,“bACKChannelNo”:“0x0”,“bLastTxChannelNo”:“0x1”,“bRouteSchemeState”:“0x7”,“pLastUsedRoute_0”:“0x0”,“pLastUsedRoute_1”:“0x0”,“pLastUsedRoute_2”:“0x0”,“pLastUsedRoute_3”:“0x0”,“pLastUsedRoute_4”:“0x2”,“bRouteTries”:“0x13”,“bLastFailedLinkFrom”:“0x0”,“bLastFailedLinkTo”:“0x0”,“bUsedTxPower”:“0x0”,“bMeasuredNoiseFloor”:“0x0”,“bDestinationAckUsedTxPower”:“0x0”,“bDestinationAckMeasuredRssi”:“0x0”,“bDestinationAckMeasuredNoiseFloor”:“0x0”}

Units randomly get status “unreachable”.

The whole system is unstable and unreliable. One example, I have my door locks controlled by z-wave (ID Lock 150) and I no longer trust that they are being locked so I now have to go and check them manually.

Emile wrote ” We know that a few percent of Homey Pro (2023) users experience an issue where they receive the error message TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_FAIL.”. However I don’t trust him because from what have seen in different groups on internet this seems to be much bigger than a few percent.

So please, I would like a much more detailed time plan when this can be this fixed!

I should also add the my system cover a large area with 4 diffrent buildings. I have ONLY z-wave plus units and many of my units uses max number of hops, as can be seen in the picture.

Only people with problems complain on forums so it might be not so widespread as you think, concerning the timeframe emile had already said that the fault is at silicon labs and they’re firmware so if they don’t give a timeframe athom can’t neither give a date. So its waiting for a solution or you can send tour homey back and maybe buy another one when it is fixed.

Emile, thanks for the detailed status. As one of the “few” percent of users with Z-Wave issues, ie lots of devices, I can’t wait till it is resolved. If you have any tests you’d like performed just let me know.
Thank you
PS: My educated guess would be that “few” is really everyone but that the odds of the issue showing is higher for us large network folks.

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Where there is smoke there is usually fire

for me things work a lot of the time now, did have a problem earlier adding a z wave device and got the transmit complete fail message.
My z wave network is smaller than it normally is as I daren’t add everything back.
Even though things are muddling through, when I look at the z-wave log, the transmit complete fail is happening many many times, probably every few seconds, but, things are managing to work with it.
Looking forward to the solution.

I have listened to Emile and the comments that it is related to the chip.
I am not convinced, but accept they are closer to it than i am.

However, when i first migrated over everything was fine and nice and quick.
I made no changes whatsoever to my setup after the migration, and i don’t have a big system at all.
Everything was fine until a new update came out, and then it just ground to a halt.
Absolutely nothing changed other than that update ! If i recall it was v10.0.0-rc.121.

So for me, it is not a chip issue, it never was, that is a red herring, it is software / firmware.

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You’re right, it’s a firmware issue, with the firmware on the z wave chip which is updated when the Homey firmware is updated. Which is exactly what Emile and Athom have said all along. Nobody suggested it was a hardware issue with the chip.

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Then roll it back to the previous version before the issues started and work out what they changed.
Surely it can take this long !

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I think that roling back the update is not that easy as it looks like.
When updating something they do it because of some problems and new options.
And when you update the Zigbee firmware, all the other updates in that update are using the new version of that zigbee update.
So when you now update only the zigbee chip with the “old” firmware you proberly break a lot more then you want.

Add to that, initially this would have been sporadic reports from a few users building up over time and it sounds like it took a lot of work to diagnose – during which time there were many more release candidates released each with dependencies on previous releases. So yes I can imagine it would certainly not be a simple job to unpick all of that and you’d end up unpicking a lot of features that are critical to many more users if you did ‘just roll back’.

New version releases, no mention to the “too much traffic problem”.


This last week they completely admitted to a major issue concerning z-wave that they are pinning on their vendor Silicon Labs seen here An update on Homey Pro's roadmap. | Homey

It looks like we might have to endure this rough patch for the time being. It seems they have delayed Thread because of a similar thing or maybe resource constraints trying to get z-wave stable. but either way I think it will be a few months before we see any relief to this issue.

The work arrounds in the last two version helped me to reduce my homey reboot frequence from once an hour to once a day.

It gets better!

Anything new?

There’s an alpha release which some people should be able to test very soon. I have it too and will be testing soon.


Alpha release seems to fix the issues. At least the first few hours went perfectly. I’ll keep it running for the coming days.

Although I haven’t signed anything or agreed to anything I am told that I’m not allowed to share anything (else) about the alpha update. I will share my experience about the z-wave issue though, since it’s important enough in my opinion.

Six days in; no issues so far.


I’m glad you mention your experience with the Zwave part of the alpha update here. Sounds hopefull.


Hi Martijn, Any updates after a couple of days running?

Yes. See the post above. I’ll update that one if something changes.

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I just got an email from Athom:

7 nov 2023 15:06 CET

Hi Maurice,

I’m contacting you about the issue you experienced with Z-wave on Homey Pro 2023.

We have just pushed a major update to improve the TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_FAIL issue on homey Pro 2023 to our experimental branch. Could you please try to install this version and let us know if this indeed improved your istuation?

To turn on experimental updates you can go to Developer Tools Settings. Do keep in mind that experimental updates are meant to test new versions of Homey before they are released to everyone.

Thank you in advance!

Because the none working home I reverted back to the old Homey and wait till I hear the issue is official resolved…

Just to inform others that it looks like a solution is nearby…