Homey pro 2023 - zwave too much traffic error?

Just to share my experiences. With the latest update 10.0.5 it seems my flows on a Homey 2023 are more responsive with less errors. With 10.0.6 devices react a bit slower (then 10.0.5) but still react … also less of zwave error message.
Update1: So far 10.0.5 seemed the best for my setup.
Update2: With 10.0.6 more TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_FAIL’s. Also quite some issues to add Z-Wave devices. Need to retry a lot (6x), but some (Fibaro CO meter) just will not add. Still quite some work to do for Athom I guess.

I have Robb Z-Wave dimmers and these regularly drop out of the network (2/3 time a year) and then I’ll have to factory reset them en then re-add them. So I have this on hand today but adding a Z-Wave device simply doesn’t work. Every time I try I get a time-out when the device is installing.

That’s exactly what I get too, with new z-wave devices until this bug is fixed

I had something very strange in regards to this topic…

Because of the issues I decided to roll-back to the 2019Homey.

Pulled the plug of the 2023.
Booted the 2019.
Added to my account (had it removed)
Restored the backup

And… it was not working… Hmmm maybe it needs some time to recover… So went to bed and let time do it’s thing…

Next day… still not a working and Evo Home still loosing connection the radiator knobs… GRRRRR…

Okay, switch all power of the whole home OFF…

Turned on the power to the Homey 2019, let it boot… Wait 3 more minutes and turned on the power of the rest of the house… Waited a few minutes and eurekaaaaaaa it all started to work again except my iblinds…

Also the Evo Home is happy again.

So finally I have a working house again, not let’s wait till the issue is fixed…

Take away: I needed to cut power to all my devices to get it up and running again…

Don’t believe it is off topic, Athom / Homey 23 has screwed up my home automation project and like others on this page i have been looking at something that can replace it with the same range of protocols. So this may help others with the same issue finding and alternative.

It is a real shame Athom has chosen the silent approach here. There are quite a few people with 400 euro home automation devices that are not making life easier at the moment, and others such as me waiting to be finally able to (safely) migrate from a stable 2019 device to the new 2023 device that’s just waiting to be used.
Why not be a bit more transparant about this issue and the projected solution? Is it solvable in the software? Is there an expected timeframe when a solution might come? Even it the answer is “weeks/months” that would be better than just saying nothing.

I agree. Months and months of virtually no info. Then a glimmer of hope from emile himself and then Silence again. No progress report. I wonder if there is an unfixable problem with the chip. But that does not explain why it worked up until a certain release candidate and then stopped working. Something tangible must have gone wrong at that point. And I’m still upset about being told on here that homey shouldn’t be depended upon for home security or reliable switching. As I said then and I will say now. If you can’t really on it for security and emergency situations, what is it really for ? I think it should be absolutely dependable for these things. What is the point to all the integrations with locks, security devices, alarms etc if they are a ‘just nice to have ‘ thing.

So things are marginally better. But it is still not consistent. Now it usually works turning on and off all my devices, but including is haphazard, some work, some don’t. Just a question of waiting for a permanent solution.

It’s like the early days when homey was just launched, of course they had a lot of goodwill, so all was forgiven and you know it should become better by time. Years later, all was running quite stable and as with a lot of people here, we felt the urge to get better hardware. How bizar is it that we are back at square one, starting al over. And yes, things got improved significantly over time, but in the end, if it is not reliable, it’s getting frustrating. It’s like an alarm system, it needs to be working 100% and if not, you get rid of it. In this case it is a matter of time that some company will stand up and becomes a real competitor for athom as the low hanging fruit seems to be communication. How much broken a platform is doesn’t really matter as long there is communication going on and there is some light at the end of the tunnel.


Rolled Back to 2019 as well but mine worked immediately (had not removed it from my account). Will have to add all Z-Wave sensors again and that’s a pain because most of them are Window Sensors and “glued” to the frame. But before that I add the range extenders (had only one so far, ordered 2 more) and then start re-adding the other devices :frowning:

It’s been a long time.
No solution.
V worried that the chip was a bad choice
Lack of solution is starting to make me feel there is a very entrenched problem with the chip that Connot be fixed.
So very quiet.


You mean add all new added sensors? Cause in the backup the pairing is kept, only I had to restart all powered devices to start behaving again…

The lack of solution combined with the lack of communication is starting to worry me also. Not even sure if it is software or hardware related. In case of software, when can a solution be expected. In case of hardware, is it structural or just a batch? I really do not understand why Athom has the policy of not communicating.

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To the people that are stating that communication is a issue, Emilie statet 28 dayd ago that they are working on it with Silicon Labs and :

What are you guys/girls suggestion to more communication? “Hello everyone, we are still working on a fix”. I do not understand what good that will bring. As ofcourse, they are still working on it. It is stated in the release notes after this post that the problem is not solved but they are adding more logging and so on. The communication is there, but you do not wan’t to see it, obviously.

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28 days without any update is just bad and it shows a wrong attitude to a lot of very loyal customers. There is always something to mention and in situations like these full transparency is the only right recipe. But he, well wait another 28 days.

That is not communication. That is acknowledging there is a problem and then leave everyone in the dark about it.


Did you sent them a supply request?

Mine was answered by Dennis with a first feedback after ~ 1 Month, the second within some days.

Yes, the Athom Service is not very fast. But regarding the zwave issue they are depending at the chip manufacturer which need to send Athom a new firmware for the zwave chip.

Athom has published the problem with Silicon labs on several plattforms.

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Hey all,

I’ve written a blog post about the current status. I hope it gives some transparency in our challenges.


Thanks for the very good explanations. Being a developer with customers all over the world I do understand your struggle. Keep up your excellent work, your product is awesome.

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Thanks for news. It’s good to know we’re not alone with our problems. It is also good to hear that the z-wave issue is “only” firmware not hardware. Except for this, I still prefer HP23 rather than HC3.