Homey pro 2023 - zwave too much traffic error?

I fixed my problem by going into the developer interface, selecting ZWAVE from the left column, scrolling to the bottom, enabling the log function which quickly identified the device that was flooding the network. I simply removed that device. (after I checked settings to make sure it wasn’t set to send reports or alerts at an unusually fast rate. It was a Zipato energy meter that isn’t supported fully at the moment (may never be) You can also look for devices that have an unusual number of retransmits from that page and look for setting issues with that device. Here is an example.

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The latest RC has Z-Wave “fixes”. Now when a light is turned on the app pretends that it is on while it is actually not. Didn’t fool my wife either.

This weekend I have lots of time, I’m going to revert to my Homey 2019 Pro and I’ll return this thing that pretends to be a domotica controller.

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If we remove all our devices with [still undefined] ‘too much traffic’ [for HP2023 to cope with], we’re left with an expensive oversized ice hockey puck… not much of a smart home.

The bit about your wife made me laugh out loud.
Thank you. :slight_smile:

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The problem is Homey can not exclude all unknown device as long they are still online and Homey has a existing or historical route to this devices and can connect them.


.Homey can not exclude all unknown device as long they are still online…has a existing or historical route to this devices and can connect them.


Sorry, I don’t follow what you’re trying to say

Hello everyone
O found that issue in my Homey23 also. I also found in developer tool that two of my heat controller from Fibaro had very large number of Rx (app 2500-3000). I removed them and replaced by another from different company. I also have flow that restart my HP23 every 3 days. So far so good, works stable.

I would not qualify the need for a restart every 3 days as “stable”…

That said, I find the response from Emile/Athom both good and worrying. Yes, it has their attention and priority. But on the other hand it has been weeks (/months?) now and it seems they still do not have a clue what causes it, let alone how to solve it.

I restart homey not because it stuck but to prevent traffic flood. I think it is good to off/on every electric device from time to time. Restarting clears mind :smiley:

Agreed…but in my case I had an unsupported power meter that was spewing reports. Now…as a follow up. I don’t think this was the problem.(or not all of it) The issue reappeared as many are reporting. I had to reboot the Homey to get things back to normal. I submitted a ticket with the logs.

Well, the 2023 just got another week respite, my wife has enough odd jobs to keep me busy.

Yesterday I changed a setting on my Z-Wave solar-panel energy meter (lowered report interval) which had the highest transit count. After the change it of course died and doesn’t transmit anything anymore. It still doesn’t help, the next device with the highest count probably took over in killing Homey.

I’m a little surprised they are still (mainly) looking at how devices communicate to Homey. Also here it doesn’t matter if I exclude a high TX device. A new one just takes over. I also showed them the log, which says exactly this. It’s random, so probably en solely related to the Z-Wave chip and / or firmware.

By the way… finally they contacted me to check my HP2023, but I have to keep it running for days for them to check it out, which unfortunately is not an option with the complete house being down for days then.

My wife found a new name for Homey domotica: demonica.


Your wife should be offered a job on the development team, very seriously. How good would that be?, a home automation product that had an actual real life wife acceptance factor incorporated into development. Cutting edge !

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Same for me, upgraded from the absolute 1st homey (2016) batch which after years of buggy firmware’s worked fine, but was slow, to the newest and worst homey ever. Nothing works anymore as it should. It’s a kind of a casino and yes the wife gets annoyed, so do I.
Unfortunately this lack of communication is something which was already from the start of the company, I guess because of the great volume of homeys sold and the dependency on investors you can’t say loud out “Houston, we have a problem”. If you don’t say anything, you are not lying as well, it’s a commercial way of working.

I noticed by the way exactly every 2 hours a 70% cpu load for about 30 minutes, even with no apps running. Does this sound familiar?

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The absolute first was a 2016. That’s what I’ve got I think. As well as my 2023 obviously.

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Last update seems too be little better I can take 2 min too the light at on
but i cant add z-wave dev

With the latest stable 10.0.5 Z-Wave sending doesn’t work at all anymore. Not even errors.

With the previous version it worked at least some parts of the day.

Can’t confirm this.

My Z-wave network is working atm

But still rebooting my Homey every hour