Homey pro 2023 - zwave too much traffic error?

Still trying to for the traffic issue.
So I started cleaning up de Z-Wave device list.
Removed so devices that were not needed any more.
Increase the time for device sensor updates.
But ran into the next problem.
I’ve got 9 “Unknown Node”.

  1. When I click “Test” - some are Reachable - but I have NO idea what device it is (I’m pretty sure the device is completely offline - removed the power on all devices I dont need).
  2. When I click “Test” - some are still Unreachable - but when I click “Remove” it stats “Node Not Found” [screenshot below]

Anyone suggestions or idea’s?
Guess this kinda z-wave “mess” will at least not help in the traffic error :smirk:

It looks like zwave devices which are not assigned to your Homey zwave network are the unknown devices. I have the same problem with my second zwave network for the security relevant devices steered by homee

I have exactly the same problem. Unknown devices racking up hundreds of thousands of pings. And they are not removable either. I do now know which devices they are. Is it some old switch I’ve forgotten about. I am considering the nuclear option of reseting z-wave network, but the amount of work digging out all my fibaros is daunting.
This error is driving me crazy.

Thanks for your thoughts and experiences.

The only Z-Wave network I have/had is from my sole Homey. The Unknown Node(s) are remnants from devices I do not use anymore. I removed them using the Homey app, but they are still somehow linked to Homey. They are offline / no power / battery removed.
So quite weird that Homey thinks that some still can be Reached. And also weird that those Homey cannot reach, can’t be removed due to a “NODE_NOT_FOUND” error.

I’m puzzled

:roll_eyes: professional reviewers who haven’t paid for the devcies

Its also only partially written, I read the review of tweakers.net for example, and they actually refer to this issue and this topic. From marketing perspective I understand though, I just don’t understand why this issue is pending for so long.

Which I am too, but never ever have I been positive about a device because it was ‘paid for’.

That being said; also I have received a HP2023 but I am also one of the Z-Wave users with the major issue! I have been in talks with Stefan (owner of Athom) and agreed to postpone my review with 3 months. Otherwise the review would be short; Avoid the HP2023 if you’re using Z-Wave. I can’t use it at all.

Will I mention the big issue when the review is done? For sure!! I’ll make a big deal out of it. So no, probably that quote won’t and up there. :wink:

So i wiped my H2023, and restored my last backup from my old homey. This way I was able to identify the “unknown device” that was flooding he zwave system. It was a HeatIt thermostat. Hasn’t solved the problem but now I know which unit to focus on.

Sure, but you can’t genuinely portray a customers value for money experience if you haven’t parted with any

I disagree with that, since that’s exactly my job (and the job of others).

But its not entirely objective either if you agree to wait 3 months to write a review.

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Why is that? I can’t even write a review now since the whole product doesn’t work for me. And I do take into account that we are a minority. And I will add this issue even if it’s solved. I just simply can’t write a review of a product that doesn’t start to work to begin with. Because if I did that the majority would write the same; how can that guy burn down a product which works well for 95% of the people? You can’t please everyone.

There’s always a ‘grace period’ if a manufacturer finds a bug shortly after a release. Most professional journalists accept this and communicate about it with the manufacturer.

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I’m interested to hear what you would do if the 3 month grace period is over and your issues are still not fixed. Will you accept Athom’s standard reply (as in: they say this for every issue, and have so for years) that only a few users are affected?

Also, I assume they have offered you a replacement device to rule out a hardware issue?

works well for 95%

Really? Where’s this number from?

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Good question and a simple answer; I will write a short review (since I can’t do much) and talk about how my situation is indeed a stress test for Homey but the conclusion about that test it that this product is not suitable for elaborate installations with a focus on Z-Wave. I’m always honest and I’ll be honest then.

But, when an update shows up after I published it, I will for sure add the new experiences and alos mention it if it IS solved. But I’ll also leave the first experience in there.

p.s. I don’t ‘accept’ that reply as an excuse. I accept the reply as a reason to give them time since i also can see that many people have no issues.

95% quote: My estimate. But I believe it’s even higher. The Z-Wave issue is not wide spread, looking at Slack, the forum and social media. Also Athom (obviously) confirms that. And, I’m only talking about this big Z-Wave issue.

But hey! I have my whole house connected to Homey, based on Z-Wave! I want it to be fixed too! :slight_smile:


Sorry, forgot. Yes, I bought one myself too, way before they send me one. Both have the same issue.

I have seen many people in different forums/groups stating that there Homey2023 works flawless. So this issue does definitely not affect everyone. We, as usually, only see the people having problems, posting in forums.


many people in different forums/groups stating that there Homey2023 works flawless

I suspect many probably also use homey without m/any z- wave devices (like one of my 3 neghbours)

usually, only see the people having problems, posting in forums.

Often the inverse is also true: many people with problems don’t / can’t / can’t be bothered to post. Forums are not a good measure of problems (or overall satisfaction)

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I have postponed my migration for quite some time now as I am afraid my currently flawlessly running (70% zwave) installation will be affected by this zwave issue.
Is it easy to revert back to the old homey once you have migrated?