Homey Pro 2023 Zwave issues

I found the same situation with my Aeotec switches. They were sending a large number (hundreds per minute) of messages all related to metering which flooded the z-wave network and made it unresponsive for other control signals.

Node[33]: [COMMAND_CLASS_METER] {“Properties1 (Raw)”:{“type”:“Buffer”,“data”:[161]},“Properties1”:{“Meter Type”:1,“Rate Type”:1,“Scale bit 2”:true},“Properties2 (Raw)”:{“type”:“Buffer”,“data”:[108]},“Properties2”:{“Size”:4,“Scale bits 10”:1,“Precision”:3},“Meter Value (Raw)”:{“type”:“Buffer”,“data”:[0,0,0,10]},“Meter Value”:{“type”:“Buffer”,“data”:[0,0,0,10]},“Delta Time (Raw)”:{“type”:“Buffer”,“data”:[0,0]},“Delta Time”:0}

Since these messages were all related to reporting meters, I experimented a bit with the advanced settings of the switches and was able to turn off the meter reports temporarily.

This seems to have calmed down the messages and made the network responsive again.

Athom Technical Support also recommended to tweak the interval times of the reports. I changed that setting too for good measure.

I have the following Aeotec devices

  • Nano Dimmer (ZW111-B)
  • Nano Switch (ZW116-B)
  • Nano Dual Switch (ZW-132-B)

Their advanced settings all look a little different but here is one example for a Dual Switch (they were sending the most messages in my case)

The red circles disable the reports, the blue circle reduces the report intervals (the value was set to 34, I’m assuming these are seconds, but I definitely got more than two messages / min out of these devices).

I modified all my switches through the homey iPhone app settings. Then unplugged homey for 10 minutes and turned it back on.

The devices are much less chatty now, the Rx numbers are in the hundreds (before they could go into hundred thousands) and my z-wave network is as responsive as with the old Homey Po, if not quicker because of the faster processing.

Eventually I would like power metering back, but this seems like an acceptable compromise for now until Athom and/or Aeotec can fix these issues.