Homey Pro (2023) unable to get Wi-Fi networks

What is the fw version you got currently btw?

And sorry, no Apple user but there is for sure a way

Don’t know how to see the version when the device is not setup, but it must be the newest version since I updated the firmware via USB seven times today :smile:

It’s visible on the USB Tool page - it’s visible on the page, when it offers you to do the upgrade. Is it v10.0.0-rc.110, correct ?

Yes, that is the one

Have you used 7Zip on Homey backup files?

Yes, why ? To decompress it.

Because they have a 1K JSON metadata header which I would expect a ZIP program to choke on. And I didn’t know that 7Zip could mount ext4 partitions in a raw IMG file so you can extract the files you mention. But I’m learning something new every day :smiley: (either that, or Athom has completely changed the way backups over USB are made, it’s been a few weeks since I last made one).

It reports error but I’m able to get the partitions and then extract them…but that’s quite unique on 7ZIP, it’s pretty capable of uncompressing many different formats nobody would be expecting. :wink:

But that will not help Mlynnerup, still I wonder what has happened in his case :

  • firmware upgrade of Wifi module got screwed ? (I think that’s not happening this way, or? On CM4…)
  • it keep booting from damaged partition/OS instead of switching to 2nd partition maybe with working OS ?
    …no other ideas.

I learned something new as well. I guess this mess hasn’t all been for nothing then.

@Sharkys Sounds like two interesting ideas.

Alright, I finally managed to fix the problem.

I changed my router settings so the wifi bands (2.4 and 5 GHz) was unbundled AND then entered the wifi info as a secret network.

According to support there’s a bug where the Homey app is unable to show the list of wifi networks if you have too many networks in your area. That’s why I needed to use the “secret network” workaround.

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I also cant connect to a bundled 2.4 and 5ghz network, unifi 6 long range. This is really annoying. I dont want to unbundle them, it will make my wifi situation feel like its the 90s.

Idk what the 90’s have to do with configuring your Wifi for smart home systems.
Lots of smart home stuff based on Wifi has 2.4GHz radio’s only, so I’d say, just go to 2023 again, and create a 2.4GHz SSID for your smart home gear. Maybe Homey decides to connect to it as well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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What do you mean by “unbundled” btw ? Eg. I’m using single SSID for 2.4GHz and 5GHz without problems…

I fully agree. I unbundled my wifi, installed Homey and bundled my wifi again.

However, according to customer support the newest version of the firmware should have fixed these issues (as of five days ago).

I mean using two different SSID’s for 2.4 and 5GHz. According to Homey they issue should be fixed in the latest firmware update.

I have same SSIDs since beginning, never had any issues, so I wonder what was so specific… actually I have 1 SSIDs on two APs, same 4 SSIDs on 2.4 and 5Ghz

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I am facing the same issue with a new HP2023 where it will not list any wifi networks during setup. This could be because of many networks in the neighborhood, according to older posts in this thread. I have separate 2.4 and 5GHz SSIDs, and I try to enter the SSID as a secret network, but it’s unable to connect. I’m on the latest firmware.

Any suggestions?

I guess it’s brand new Homey ? I would probably try USB factory reset and if it will fail → Athom support. Or if it’s brand new, I would go for replacement, if reset will not work.

I have tried USB Factory Reset several times, but no luck fixing the problem. It is a brand new HP2023, so I guess I will go for a replacement to see if that helps. Thanks for the advice!