Homey pro 2023 RED Breath

Hi All,

After upgrading to v 10.1.4 firmware my homey is dead :frowning: resulting in a breathing red ring. Already tried factory def. with usb tool unfortunately with same result. Of course already submitted a athom ticket but they give a 3 week backlogā€¦ anyone with an idea how to get my homey back to live?


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Assuming you also tried the obvious (different power supply, different USB-C cable), you need to wait for Athom to get back to you. Nothing much the community can do if even a factory reset doesnā€™t work.

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same here - support ticket created - no answer received yet :frowning:

Did you upgrade by USB tool or Mobile app?
I had red ring after a previuos USB upgrade which I had to restore a local backup(incl. downgrade).

App upgrade worked fine though.

I updated via mobile app first - hp23 rebooted and a red breathing led ring was shown - since this point the hp is offlineā€¦

I tried several reboots - everytime this ended up in a breating red led ring

I tried a factory reset via usb dfu mode than - the tool said ā€œsuccessfulā€ but after powering the hp23 up a red breating led ring showed againā€¦

For me it looks like the new stable release firmware 10.1.4. can bring the hp23 into a ā€œbricked statusā€

It may be the new wifi driver in latest firmware. Its sensitive for certain channels it seems.

Could you please disable ā€œauto-channelā€ for the 5 GHz network and select channel 36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161 or 165.

Try reset the Wifi network by recovery mode:

I do not use the wifi mode and the device does not show the blue ring for setup the device after a factory reset

so the device does not go into the setup mode so no chance for me to fix the issue

@Emile After some more testing it indeed looks like its bricked during firmware upgrade v10.1.4. Maybe needs some investigation before other users start experiencing this as wellā€¦

Athom acknowledges that thereā€™s a problem, they donā€™t know yet whatā€™s causing it though:

(slack thread)


Thanks for letting me know!

Athom support replaced mine, great service and problem solved :wink:

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I have the same problem.

How long did it take for you to get a replacement?

Did you send in the bricked one first?