Homey Pro 2023 loses connection to cloud (server) and is offline

Oh, I’m not alone:

Just to share that I’ve opened a support case for this as Homey keeps dropping from the network.
On request of support already tried a different power adapter - issue still occurs.

me too, but it’s clearly a problem not caused by the power supply. Before now he had never given me any problems…

This problem seems to happen to me as well. I opened a support ticket for it.

not sure how any Wifi fix in the beta version could help. It doesn’t matter if the connection is via WiFi-ony, LAN-only or both are available. Also, and that’s imho the most important thing:
A local connection from a mobile app to the Homey is still possible, just no cloud server connection that is required for web-based apps.
That would be a pretty specific hardware or WiFi/ethernet driver defect or power-adapter-induced issue that “only” causes a disconnect from Homey into the Athom cloud while connections from Homey to any device in the local network still do function.
Probably we could check if scheduled flows performing Internet calls do still work to check if it’s losing DNS resolution or any other non-IP-based requests leaving one’s home network also fail vs. IP-based Internet request.

having the same problem, multiple times a day. I had some weeks without any problems, but I have no clue why - nothing changed at all…

LAN and Wifi (but it looks like that only the adapter which was ONLINE at the boot of the system is active).

Wifi is Unifi, tried lots of different configs. Only 2,4/5 with same SSID is missing in the test. But actually, I dont want to have 2 seperate SSIDs, thats not an option.

I don’t want to jinx it, but since I updated my UnifiOS and Unifi Network a few weeks ago, it has not been offline a single time… knocks on wood

Same here, for a while now, just don’t remember how long. I do, however, recall this happening at least over a year ago too. Maybe even two or more, idk… I remember seeing the ‘cloud status disconnected’ before…
Lately, I’ve been:

  • scratching my head on why I couldn’t connect to my HP2019 from outside my network anymore. - even doubting myself (after not using it for quite a bit) if that was even possible in the first place.
  • getting frustrated about not being able to install apps.
  • slightly ‘wondering’ why I get so many updates on apps after a reboot.
    Just putting two and two together and checking in here…

Yeeeeaaaahhhh, Imma follow this thread…

I don’t know if it can help, but I use a Fritzbox 7530 AX as a router and I have the wifi network managed by a dedicated Net Gear access point antenna, specifically the WAX 610…and I continue to have disconnection problems without an rule…

My latest experiments had some positive effect:

What I basically did was a homey script to regularily query some internet address/web page and have it executed every n minutes. The result of this I was sending to a local Synology DNS set up as syslog server (using the respective community app). I suppose the local syslog does not do the trick because I had a flow to just log to it without any change. But as soon as I had a regular cron job to query an internet address the Homey cloud connectivity survived for multiple days. Yesterday evening I deactivated all those “probing” flows and the web-based connect was down again. So rebooted using mobile and reactivated the flows… Will let you know if scheduled “Internet pings” somehow prevent the cloud connection to stay up. Actually I had two scripts. One with a hostname, the other one with a remote IP. Somehow I suppose DNS is failing, if not used by Homey, but just a hypothesis… Otherwise I could not explain why the network connectivity is generally fine and one can trigger flows to other local stuff like a lan connected Hue bridge or to a local server and just the cloud connectivity is down.

Example homeyscript.js. To be combined with some cron task, if anyone wants to try… Every 10mins was enough.

Cheers, Michael

const url = 'https://api.chucknorris.io/jokes/random'; // or something else
const resStatus = await fetch(url);
if (!resStatus.ok) {
  throw new Error(resStatus.statusText);

const json = await resStatus.json();
const quote = json.value;
const result = url + ": " + quote;
log (result);
return result;

I have gathered all related topics (including this current topic off course :wink: )into this new topic:

Currently the probing does not cure the problem for me (anylonger or it was never a 100% workaround). Even got a new AC adapter meanwhile, but no difference. Keep losing the cloud connectivity almost every night, usually after a DSL router reconnect, I’d assume. Probably I will add a cronjob to reboot Homey during night-time :frowning:
At least setting my DSL router back to IPv4 and IPv6 as that’s the default setting and just having IPv4 also wasn’t useful. With IPv6 I might have even had longer phases of stability.

Update 28.1.
As I was suspecting the nightly DSL router reconnect and Homey was offline of night again I experimented again:

  • Homey offline
  • Reboot Homey with local mobile app
  • Homey online
  • Use Fritzbox button in the Internet settings to “reconnect”
  • Homey offline
  • Reboot Homey with local mobile app
  • Homey online
  • Use Fritzbox button to reconnect
  • Homey offline
  • Reboot Homey with local mobile app
  • Homey online

So obviously it’s reproducable at least for me and also does explain why I always have to reboot Homey Pro 2023 in the morning because the 3-4 o’ clock forced DSL reconnect does have happend. Manually triggering such a reconnect has the same effect to the Homey Pro 2023 cloud connectivity.
Sent Athom support a screenshot of the Fritzbox UI and the DSL reconnect log.
Interestingly Homey Pro 2019 does not have this issue and also other devices cope well with such a reconnect which is inevitable as the internet providers would cut the line on their own and the routers just change the timing.
For me that means I’d only have the chance to reboot at 4 o’clock as it’s definitely after the reconnect…

Fixed imho: Google lntegration lost and can not be repaired (other then reboot modem / router / Homey): Athom is aware - #107 by Michael_E