yes, I did, but they said to send homey back, they do not know abut this problem. However since it manage all my home and the problem is not so severe, I can stay without for weeks.
I removed my answer because I realized you didnât post which particular problem you have: the one with Insights, or the one with the backups (well, one is related to the other).
If itâs Insights: does it also fail on
yes itâs about insights and it doesnât work also on
? All data stop on April 23
Sounds like the Insights database may be broken
Is there any option to solve, even loosing the history?
I also red something about firewall problem for other users
Iâm reading that they tried to find out if the problem was related to their network, but they werenât able to find any reason why it suddenly wouldnât work anymore. It sounds like Athom may have told them to check for that.
However, a network issue seems very unlikely to me for several reasons:
- the Insights database is locally stored on your Homey, so it should not (at least in theory) be reliant on a working internet connection
- for all of the other users, it just suddenly stopped working. Now it could of course be that all of you had previously changed something on your network that would cause Insights to stop working (but see my first point), but itâs much more likely that thereâs a local problem that causes Homey to not be able to either read and/or write from/to the database. And the most likely reason for that is a corrupted database (that, or possibly that your Homey has run out of storage space).
I donât think you can reset the database without doing a full factory reset, at least not as a user. Thatâs why Athom wants you to send your Homey back to them, they may be able to fix it while keeping the rest of your Homey intact.
Thanks Robert. I believe that Athom is not a toy and many are basing their home on it. So they should find the way to make remote manteinance.
The problem is very odd: on the same network, on same ssid, on same ap:,
- insights for my test Homey (old one) is working!
- insights for my Homey Pro is not working (even with firmware 6.1.0 not working).
- Tried stuff incl. changing IP address locally on LAN, no insights.
But in the past, I have installed another router/firewall for test, using 4G instead of routing it through my default firewall and poef with clean install on Homey Pro, insights works⌠Restore backup, still insights works.
Send Homey back to Robbshop aka them to Athom, Homey pro with clean install (and other account), insights works.
Homey received back, clean install, does not work, backup restored, does not work. Move to 4G router, insights worksâŚ
So I cannot use insights, problem still exist at this moment I installed Homey firmware 4.0 I think, with RCâs it was still working, but donât miss it either any more.
I suspect that this is some error somewhere in database or even maybe amazon network anti attack protecting equipment in combination with my public IP address.
And it is related to something changed in firmware and probably Athom back office end of 2019.
I switch to influxDB and Grafana, gives me much better graphs and keeps my insights on my local lan. I do remember that I still need to block traffic to insights servers.
OMG Insights worked on my Test Homey till April 30 when I was on 6.0 and now on 6.1 insights seems to be broken.
So now both Homeyâs donât have insights anymore.
Sometimes Athom reminds me of thisâŚ
This is what my test Homey shows me, it could be that insights is working, as long as I run Release candidate firmware versions? I cannot remember that the Homey was off.
Seems NOT to be a general problem, my insights are still working.
Only a (very) small percentage of users has this problem.
Sending back the Homey does not help, problem does not happen then (different network, different user,⌠).
Had in beginning of 2020 lots of communications with Athom, but no results.
Thanks @Marco, for sharing your experiences. I started to have the same problem last April 23. I hope that as I lost this functionality, sooner or later it will come back. Letâs see. hopefully with some new firmware release.
For me disabling Power User in Experimental did the trick for now. It seems Insights is working again