Missing devices and failing apps

For several weeks now I have been experiencing problems with finding devices in the mobile app (some devices are missing) and in the web application I can no longer open the menu with devices and flows at all. I get the message ‘an error has occurred’ in Google Chrome or the interface just freezes in Safari. I think the problem began

after an error message I received when moving a device to another zone. Does anyone know what this could be and how I can fix it? I’m afraid that a factory reset and reloading my backup will ‘import’ this problem again. Does anyone have an explanation and/or suggestions?

Open Developer Tools (F12 key), check “Console” and “Network” tab. Maybe there is something which blocks your requests.

I hope you also filed a ticket @ https://homey.app/support as well?
First thing I think of is indeed to factory reset the thing, and read back a cloud backup. A local backup reads your system back 1:1 so that won’t change much like you wrote already

I indeed filed a ticket with Athom. Although they warned me about waiting times of 3 weeks for a reply they actually responded within a few hours. It appeared that there was some error when moving devices which lead to some kind of corruption in the file structure. They ran a script on my homey and were able to fix the issue. Good and swift service by Athom I would say!

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Good to hear.
The warning is to lower expectations a bit, and to reduce the phenomenon of folks requesting updates every day (which slows the whole process down);
they do prioritize tickets as you’ve experienced!