Homey firmware v3.0.0 (exp)

I am a beta tester since the first hour. I have never had any problems with the experimental updates.
Homey is also completely stable with v3.0. No risk, no fun :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The same for me: have been Experimental user since they introduced the option, years ago.
I’ve disabled auto update on Homey so I have control over when it’s updating (like when you’re on a holiday you don’t want anything this big changed!).
I only had one issue once that Homey didn’t start after an update.
I always wait a very long time before taking any action when I suspect something went wrong when updating the firmware (like hours).

When there is an update take your time to read the forum and slack so when there is an big issue you’d know beforehand.

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Does anyone knows what the rc17 update contains?

Athom does but hasn’t shared the info.

I assume it’s at least a fix for an error when adding a device which is a confirmed bug on rc.16 https://athomcommunity.slack.com/archives/C04SUGZ9E/p1571145282230800

Energy monitoring is good thing if done right.To be able to see usage per hour, day,month,year in numbers or pie chart, drill down, etc… For now mostly what new energy monitor offers is similar to if you look directly at the device energy usage + some basic graphic representation of energy usage.
It looks nice on paper claiming to do energy monitoring for more people to buy homey, but in curent version is not much more than insights displayed in the app.

For example look solaredge, pick a random public site and look what is possible and don’t forget that is only public view not showing the details, billing and cost that is actualy useful in the end. I know this is for solar production but it works both ways :slight_smile: Or just look how fibaro does it for example (but fibaro has other drawbacks :slight_smile: )

Anyway, I think it is a step in right direction but needs some additional work to be really useful.

Moved to experimental FW yesterday. I like the energy feature. Is there any way how to use power totals from zones/home in logic or notifications?

I didnt find a way to use in flows. Didnt look very long so maybe…
It is not final version so probably will be added.

I think 3.0 is maybe a bit more stable and faster. Maybe just a feeling :slight_smile: Will have to use it some more to be sure

Previous months I was trying to get some more data out of homey just to see the power usage at home. The new energy tap gives me a lot more usable info and help with this subject. We’ll done Athom! However I Don, t understand why a subject such as “back up” doesn’t hVe a higher priority at Athoms list. Very happy with homey and the new energy. Very sad again about the lack of backup from homey. Of course I use the backup from this community but I think Athom should have build in this Long time ago.

One thing I do see is that energy is adding the total usage with the usage of lose power plugs.
This gives a higher readout than it is in reality


Because a feature like the Energy support is a much bigger selling point for potential new Homey users than being able to back up your Homey (which is only useful for existing users).


Not all apps are up to par with 3.0, the device that measures the total usage (smart meter?) must be identified as such in the devices app.

The smart meter is the benext p1 meter. No idea if this is already updated to 3.0

i found this:
Smart meters

If you are the developer of an app that adds support for smart meters (e.g. a P1 meter for The Netherlands), you should make sure that you set the cumulative flag in the device’s energy object.

Also make sure that you are not providing negative measure_power values to the setCapabilityValue method.

so i think its not updated yet?

Really easy, 2 reasons even.

  1. it is 1000x more difficult to implement a backup option that is reliable, always, even after updates, then an extra thing like energy
  2. it is really hard to put all employees on writing a proper backup solution, 15 people writing on the same code is just unworkable, and those not working on backup still also need to work right?

as for your benext app, did you install the beta app?


I did not have the beta app yet fot benext. Installed it and at least something has changed in layout. Have to check for consistensy of the value’s. Thanks a lot :+1::+1::+1:

Hi guys,

updated to version 3.0.0-rc.17 and I started noticing that consecutive flows seem to be having some issues. So flows where the ‘then’ part reads one or more start a flow-card. I have several of these chains of flows, and the seem to be stuttering a bit. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. Never had a issue before I updated to v3. I only recently became a beta-tester and immediately jumped from v2.5.2 (if I’m not mistaken) to 3.0.0-rc.17.

I wanted to check if others can confirm these issues. Naturally, I will also report to Athom.

Could you please Post a Screenshot from such a Flow for better understanding what you mean?

I understand it as something like this:

  • WHEN
    • something happens
  • THEN
    • Start a flow: A
    • Start a flow: B
    • Start a flow: C

Question to the beta testers: are there any new functional/visible features besides the energy related stuff? (big or small) (just curious)

Flow A
A happens

X is true

Start flow B

Start flow C

Flow B
B happens (this flow is started)

Y is true
Z is true

Start flow D
Start flow E
Start action 1, 2 etc.


All of the new features I found so far are energy related.

Thanks for the info :slight_smile: