Is there coming new hardware for the Homey because he is not for sale now ?
Completely unconfirmed, but a local store employee told me Athom are releasing a new version next year… Would of course take it with a big pinch of salt. But one could hope for a version with better antennas maybe?
I could Tell u someone with better antennas
Did you sell the idea to them? If so, they might release it as Homey H2D2
I found this topic in my search is Athom planning new hardware for Homey pro. It seems @Yhaugom 's contact was right, regarding the fact that Homey pro did launch the 2019 version.
My Homey 2016 is 5 years old, and i want a newer one. If Homey plans new hardware in 2023, i will wait for that.
I’m curious if anybody has some insight information!
Not that I know,
But all people that have insight info that I know have singed a Non disclosure agreement.
So they will probably say the same.
BTW: my 2ct. Don’t wait until the biger and better, even the original Homeys are sold with fair prices on fe dutch marktplaats as 2nd hand. Start enjoying the Homey experience!
I thinkt the antenna’s aren’t necessarily Homey’s biggest problems atm. You can easily extend Zigbee and Z-Wave by adding a powered device.
Reaching limits of what I can connect on Zigbee here, so I would be interested in new hardware if this expands the current limits…