Hi all,
I want to make a simple solution for triggering my synology IP cam to record. The only thing I need Homey Bridge to do is to send this URL:"Incoming"&version=1&token=YCeHadfeAJYSRfrqNZ3svgmfIAdafmsPCAaYjRTMENadfjt3fxEGDIB6wBvvUPGs7A (Example)
I can’t use any the apps because they are not availeble for the Homey Bridge. So I figured out I use a flow with “Than” → “Logic”–> “Make a METHODE request to URL with HEADERS and BODY”.
I did try GET and paste the complete URL into the URL but the test failed. When I paste the URL in chrome and hit enter the synology starts doing its thing like it should be.
How can I solve this with Homey Bridge?