Homey bridge connection problem

Do you only have access to iPhones or also an Android ?

Hmm that doesn’t make a difference then.

Green is not specified here :face_with_raised_eyebrow: so that’s odd as well:

How is your wifi configured? Do you have a separate 2.4GHz SSID for the iot devices?
Try adding the bridge again while 5GHz is temporary turned off, and 2.4GHz mode is set to b/g only (not b/g/n for instance).

The hints below can be used for the bridge as well:

No response on Slack yet… Did you inform support in the meantime? https://support.homey.app/ and scroll down to ‘Customer Support’

I am experiences exact the same problem as Kristian_Juberg. Was this problem ever solved?

I do also have the same problem

Any news?

I hope everyone also reports issues to Support? https://homey.app/support