Homey, a single hub for all?

Hello community,

I am brand new to the Homey eco system. The basic choice to try this out, is to reduce the number of hubs, use some functions from a systems to do something on an other system.

In the end, less trouble, more easy and less power consumption.

But when I am working now some days with Homey Pro 2023, I do doubt if I can remove other hubs and have less power consumption.

I had before
ICS-2000 kaku (klikaanklikuit)
Ikea Dirigera - tradfri lights, remotes, dimmers, motion detectors
Xiaomi lumi.gateway.v3
Xiaomi lumi.gateway.mgl03 (european version)
Google Home

My idea was to switch all hubs down, and just work with the Homey.

For kaku, this is possible and it can replace 100% without an issue.
For Ikea Dirigera, this is a pain in the ass. It is not possible to add multiple lights to the Homey. You have to do this light for light. This is really crazy with a lot of GU10 spots into the ceiling.

Is there a work arround to add several lights to Homey, without removing all bulbs, exept the one you like to connect?

For remote and dimmers, the function and how they work, is different to the basic function of Ikea. Mostly my biggest problem is, that it is not possible to dim as normal with a remote connected to Homey.

Is there a possibility to use the remote to dim as should be a normal dimming function?

Alternative option, is to connect the Ikea Dirigera using Matter to Homey. This is working with saving some functions and adding some others. Only bad point, the Dirigera hub has to stay…

Then Xiaomi.
I do have some water leak sensors, temperature and humidity sensors and door/window switches.
I can easily connect them to Homey, without a problem. But the connection freeze quite fast and then there is no readout and communication any more. I can not figure out how to fix this.

Is there a solution for Homey, that the Aqara sensors do not loose connection and continu functioning as it should be?

It is possible to connect 1 gateway to Homey, and than everything is working quite ok. But this is the oldest gateway and takes a lot of place due to the direct power inlet.
The bad thing, again a hub online and on power…

If I have to put a Xiaomi hub online, I prefer the lumi.gateway.mgl03, but is this possible, is there any workarround or app to make this happen?

Another thing I could not figure out. I do have several Nest hub mini and Nest mini (speaker). I like to use this units as output for alarms. So if there is a water leak detected, my Google speakers should output an alarm. Right now I can not find any idea or solution for this.

Is there a possibility to use the Google speakers as an output for alarm, soundings, messages or what else, in combination with the Homey Pro 2023?

Well, as you can see, as a newby, there are still a lot of questions and things I am not familiar with yet.

Looking forward to some explanation, clarification or (hopefully) solutions for the things I have right now. Thanks in advance!

Regards Steven


Possibly, see this support document.


What you’re running into these issues is Homey’s limited (no multiple device pairing, not binding so you can’t connect your remotes directly to your lights, no proper grouping) and sometimes unstable (devices losing connection or dropping out of the network) Zigbee implementation.

Also, for some reason, mixing Zigbee devices from certain brands, like IKEA and Aqara, can cause issues. These seem to be unique to Homey as well because other Zigbee implementations (like ZHA and zigbee2mqtt) don’t have these issues at all (I use zigbee2mqtt and have ~20 IKEA and ~40 Aqara devices, mixed with other brands, and they all work just fine).

Hi Robert,

Thanks for your reply.
Based on your reply, I think I have to keep some gateways alive.
1 gateway for Xiaomi products → I can connect with the Xiaomi Mi Home app
1 Dirigera for Ikea products → I can connect with Matter

So the only benefit is that I can read, operate and program this items within the Homey.
For my that is not really as aspected, but maybe a workarround for the moment.

Additional question in this case.
When using several hubs, do they all create their own network, or will it 1 big usefull network in the end?

And mostly it looks like Homey should and can fix, because you are running this without any trouble on an other platform!

Thanks and regards,


They will each create their own, separate, network.

Lots of these issues, and missing features, have existed for years :man_shrugging:t3:

Reset the hue lights one by one using a hue bridge or hue remote.
Search the forum for details.

OP has IKEA lights :slight_smile:

Oeps :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Steven, please don’t forget about the advantages of one or two additional hubs. It increases the comfort, continuity and reliability of the smart home (yes, all hubs tend to error every once in a while, including Homey)
I mean, what power do they use?
When something goes south or breaks down, you can still operate a part of your iot stuff.
A Dirigera should use less than 4W (= ~35kW/Y)


Yes, go for zigbee2mqtt or HA + zigbee2mqtt add-on; Just allow devices to pair, and put all devices into pair mode, get yourself a coffee and wait until all’s set and done.
And it’s rock solid as well. And allows for fw updates, direct associations. And it can bind buttons to several devices: in case of z2m outage, it still works.

But, you also answered it yourself:
From reading posts about Hue:

I’d be surprised if it works differently with the Ikea hub);
you only need to know for sure.
Maybe Athom (the app creator) can tell?

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your feedback and reaction.
Keeping the Dirigera up and running is perhaps a solution. And, ok 4W is not that much. In this case I have to test and check if all Aqara will run and work prober.
My personal thougt is that it is better to have 1 zigbee network without interference, than 2 that conflict.
But perhaps just 2 is better.
Today I do have contacted customer support, explained everything in detail with print screens and reports. They are going to take a closer look, so I really wonder what the outcome will be.
Additional zigbee network with zigbee2mqtt is perhaps an option. I will take a closer look into.

The Dirigera with Matter is quiet easy and work. So perhaps a work arround could be to attach all Ikea lights and sensors to the Dirigera. All other device to Homey. And ofcourse checking in it could and will run in that “split”

When I have feedback from CS, I wll inform in this thread!

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YW, Steven.

Zigbee can use different channels, just like wifi. Tuning can be necessary.
(Some run 3 Hue hubs next to Homey for instance).

Herewith I can confirm that the situation with the Aqara sensors and the fact that they do not work is in attention of the support and developer team.
They are going to look into and try to solve it.
For the moment there is no time schedule, but ofc I do hope as soon as possible.

In the meantime, the Xiaomi hub online, without any router and just working fine with all Aqara sensors

Due to the fact that the for me personal the question is answered in the meantime:

Homey, a single hub for all?

My personal answer is NO

Therefore I am connecting my next hubs to Homey Pro

Xiaomi gateway → with my current hub, just one option, works good
Philips Hue
Ikea Dirigera

Both for Philips and Dirigera there are 2 options.
Or with a Homey App, or using Matter connection.

I wonder if there are people, already tested the best performance between these 2 options. Looking forward to any news and information. Thanks in advance!

Is somebody familiar with the fact if you could change the colour of a light using Dirigera over Matter? Because with the IDG app, this is not working for my first two led spots.

The reliability of the lights improved already over I think 80%. This with the remote still connected to HP and only the light to the DG.

Wonder if Matter is better solution or not. Otherwise I will try soon.

For now…

Xiaomi hub work good, newer hub not able to connect yet.
Philips HUE bride over matter → work bad
Philips HUE bride with Homey app → works good
IKEA Dirigera gateway over matter → works good

For Ikea Dirigera over matter, I do miss 1 function for the moment.
This is the dim to with duration. The with duration is not available. I will try if I can find a work arround for this “matter” lol

Philips products are all updated to latest firmware direct after adding to the HUE bridge…

Is there anybody familiar regarding the fact that Homey Pro and Philips HUE Bridge over Matter is still not working? And is there any schedule when this will work?

More and more light back to Ikea Dirigera. System is improving in reliability and performance. Even my wife is not “shooting” every moment to me, because not working lights.

Contact Athom.

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Regarding Philips HUE Matter → done.

Keep the info posted!

For the moment

Philips HUE bride with the app
Satisfied and smooth
IKEA Dirigera gateway over matter
Satisfied but missing some functions
Xiaomi hub with the app
Satisfied and smooth

Bought a Sonos ZigBee antenna, to setup a Zigbee2mqtt on Windows.
This will be for firmware updates of all stuff, without Philips and IKEA.

Next step will try out Home Assistant with my NAS, if it is possible to run Zigbee2mqtt in the NAS as well